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"Oh so we have special buff powers now?" She sasses making her even more cuter than she already is, I don't know what it is about her that made me fall for her so easily? Maybe because she created me?

Coming back into our undead reality I just shrug to her. I never used to be buff and now I suddenly am? This is crazy though but awesome at the same time, no one back home would ever recognize me, I used to have red hair with brown eyes now I have the blindest of hair and ice blue eyes with muscles! "Maybe? How am I supposed to know?" Picking up our bags of clothing we both disappear into the now night. It feels so great to be walking, being in that hospital bed, or any bed for that matter, for my entire life isn't exactly pleasant, the first sixteen years was fear I would hurt myself some how, the next two was because all the radiation made my bones thin and brittle.

I am free of any illness, anything weak that I know of. "Hey let's go to the Brooklyn Bridge?" She asks, with ever word my attraction grows for her.

"Why do you want to go there?" Slowly coming to a stop leaning up against the tree.

"There are lots of places I want to go before we get lost, first light in the morning okay? Do you need to go anywhere before we leave?" I would love to go visit my family, end their misery of my death and weakness and show I have hair, and I am not dead. Because I don't see us as dead, we eat differently, we just don't sleep, our hearts beat, I don't know about breathing though. But we are humans that are different.

"Uh could I just visit my home before we leave? You know just to say goodbye?" She looks very decisive, giving a smile smile I begin to kick the dirt, that's all I want. "We don't have to if you don't want to?" She sighs sounding defeated.

"Fine..." She huffs, beginning to run in the direction of the Brooklyn bridge. We are the first of our kind, it has it's pros and cons, if we get killed we are done, and of we don't we can multiply like crazy. All the lights shine brightly harming my eyes and hers too, both of us quickly rubbing them and continuing to run, weaving through the loud cars where she needs to go. Then she abruptly stops, right near the ledge. She small fingers trail along the sides of the rail.

"Sloan? Are you okay?" Coming close to her I step in front of her to see blood dripping from her eyes. "Hey what is wrong?" Quickly wiping the blood from her eyes she sniffs turning away. Then all of the sudden she hunches over gripping her head screaming her high pitched scream that only the dogs and I can hear. Gripping my own ears from the intensity of the sound being so close I fall to the ground in agony. People surround us and they all smell so bitter, looking up to Sloan she looks like she can't handle the smell either. But her eyes are flowing the blood. She gets up the best of her ability running her really fast speed.

"Sloan!" Calling after her my ears throbbing I can hardly hear anything. Running my regular speed to her to wherever I can find her. Once I am past the vision of people I begin to run faster, as fast as I possible can towards her, smelling her soft sent of mint and parsley smelling her all the way down bellow into an abandoned apartment complex. This is so dangerous, we could get caught and killed somehow. Everything creaks and rats and mice tussling up the stairs. Fresh blood coats the top floor making this whole place smell even more foul. "Sloan!" whispering loudly she doesn't answer. I can't hear anything, not even her hardly beating heart. "Sloan!" Yelling a bit louder I feel my stomach grumbling and twinging. Sniffing the air out I get a faint sent of her.

"Just go, I'm not stable. Go back to you family, I garuntee they are going to be happy you are alive." Yer voice is all over the place, my head, above me, bellow me, all around me. She is pretty creepy, it's kind of frightening.

"I can't leave you, even if I wanted to! I just can't drink blood unless it's from you!" She gives off an ere chuckle making the room seem cooler.

"I know you want to." I can hear her heals clacking against the metal up above me. The wood and roof up above is torn apart with holes up above. Listening intently I can hear her shuffling around up there, the smell of blood gets stronger and more intense harder for me to stay in here.

"Sloan come on let's just leave this place! Let's sit down and talk okay? Where do you want to live? Colorado is nice yeah, not that hot summers?" Darting to the stairs I begin to walk up slowly. Carefully I listen to her every move but for some reason I hear her approaching me. "Sloan? Are you okay?" Calling her she comes into view with blood soaking her cheeks and chin dripping down her neck. She begins sobbing crumpling to her knees, darting up to her I hold her in a giant hug holding her close, my clothes are ruined.

"I don't know what I've become, it's hard not to eat everything with blood!" She muffled but I am able to understand everything.

"It's okay, let's just go." Trying to soothe her I stroke her long hair. Her head nods still furrowing in my chest, hauling her up I look around noticing that I left our bag of clothes behind, great! Noticing the blood on my shirt I wanna flip, I loved this shirt! "Let's get you cleaned off?" She nods again, holding onto me tighter. Jogging down the stairs I make my way to the entrance, she smells so good, I just want to feed.

"Thanks Dean, let's go meet your family."

"We should wash our clothes first." I start walking towards the laundry mat, at least that's what I can smell, all the chemicals of the detergent and bleach.

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