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Walking endlessly at the normal pace with the dead body over my shoulder I continue to lug myself, the heat is getting to me, I need something and I don't know what, it's not blood, it's something else. I can hardly move, I feel too weak. Falling to my knees on too of the man I pant, my mouth feels too dry but maybe water would do?

Feeling Deans hands on my he pulls me to his chest, his suit all wrinkled and moist, I didn't know we could sweat? "He what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks, I look into his blue eyes and shake my head.

'You ate too much!' Satans voice echoes in my blank mind. Tensing at the sound of his horrid voice so does Dean.

"Hey what is it?"

"Tuned in on station 666." Giggling I try to stand up but it's almost impossible. " I think we should relax here?" Suggesting to him he smiles placing me in the shade against the tree.

"So how did you die?" He asks leaning up against the tree next to me. Trying to shield my eyes from the blinding sun I sigh a fake breath of air.

"Suicide I couldn't handle my life anymore, trying to get lost I just came right back." He laughs slightly sighing himself.

"Why did you?"

"My whole family beat me everyday, they hardly ever fed me, I was their maid while they tortured me."

"How did you do it? And why would you want to end your life?"

"I put a bullet to my head while standing on the bridge. Either way I would have died, jump, or bullet? There was no way to escape my family, I have them all over the place. What about you how did you die?"

"The cancer got too much from me, they did too much radiation, surgery, it spread to my brain, heart, and lungs. I've had it my whole life, since I was born. Eighteen years was enough on my body, but thanks to you I can live a healthy life." His hand grabs mine squeezing it tight, looking up to him I give him a weak smile before returning my gaze to the floor. Staring at the wooded, and leafy ground.

"I am sorry about the cancer, it must have been painful. At least you don't have to worry about being ill again?" He gives off a small snort of amusement.

"Look at you! Your sick!" I give him a playful punch to his arm, looking down I notice we are both still holding hands, feeling awkward I slip my hand out from his turning away. The air between us is thick and musty.

"Look, we can't be in any sort of relationship because we are the only people like us, we don't know our capabilities and I don't feel like creating any more vampires. We need to be on our own for a while okay? So we can't be an item."

"What are you afraid of though?"

"We are alone, I don't want to make more vampires. We need to learn our strengths, our weaknesses, everything before we can even think about being 'together', I just met you today!" Still looking down to the ground we both sit here in silence for a while, what are we going to do? we have no jobs, we can move any where, there is nothing right now for us. Maybe there are people who support people like us that could lend us some money?

Staring off into space I just watch the deer, bunnies, and birds pass by and graze minding their own business. "I am sorry, my emotions are kind of weird right now.... I've never acted like this." He whispers, he sounds depressed, ugh last thing I need right now is a guilt trip. I just know I don't want to like him like that, he is only my partner in crime, nothing else.

Continuing to stare off into space my stomach continues to hurt, I just want it to stop. Feeling the need to throw up I quickly run away out of his reach behind a tree expelling what ever my stomach has to offer, and that's blood. It seems like all of it, there is so much of it. The smell is foul, old and decayed, dripping down the tree and bushes onto the grassy ground. The tint of red just makes me want to have more. Hearing Dean approach, flinching around I hiss to him, he looks slightly confused and disgusted. "What do you expect me to be doing back here? Stop looking at me like that!" Staring back at the ground heaving, just waiting to see if I need to expel anything else he comes behind me pulling my hair back.

"What happened?" He asks concerned lingering in his tone.

"He said it's too much blood, I guess I just need to try to learn to stop, but it's hard not too. It just tastes so great!"

"I could help you not feel so sick anymore?"

"What are you suggesting?" He gives a small smirk showing his fangs, groaning to him I hand him my wrist. "You can't drink from my neck anymore." His teeth sink into my skin harshly, like he has been hungry for ages. Turning to him to watch he is a very clean eater, hardly let's any blood spill, he looks like it's the best thing he has ever tasted, well that's the same way I feel. Feeling myself grow even more weaker than I already am I fall to my knees while he continues to drink as well. "S-stop..." Falling to the ground weak I can hardly move. Feeling everything drain from me to my wrist he finally stops, wiping his mouth he looks back to me shocked, his eyes are a dark red but slowly drain to his icy blue ones, our eyes are the only thing that are unnatural.

"I-I am so sorry! I will go get you some food!" Darting away from me I just lay there still in the shade, but it still feels like I am burning up, I hate letting him feed from me he needs to be a big boy and hunt on his own, like he is right now! Feeling the heat even more I try to roll away but I cant.

"Dean!" Screaming on the top of my lungs it almost sounds like a dog whistle, invisible but yet it's so loud hurting my own ears. Everything seems to scatter making a ruckus disappearing. The sun burns my flesh feeling it's heat against my neck, arms, legs, and face. Dean comes racing to my aid with a giant boar in his arms. I didn't know we had these here? Biting into it first he let's the blood pour into my mouth. It is thicker than human blood, it's kind of hard to drink. But taking all that I can he takes it away chucking it to the side. The pain of the sun seems to go away making me happier being able to heal it.

"What's the matter?" He asks helping me to my feet, his eyes have turned a dark green and they don't seem to be going away.

"I should be asking you that, your eyes." He stares at me confused before they turn back there icy blue.

"What about my eyes?" Shaking his comment away I grab the dead man and begin to walk again. "How did you make that sound, it was very loud and painful?" Hearing a slight Brooklyn accent in his voice I turn around to face him smiling.

"Your voice! You have an accent? Why do you hide it?" Whoa don't get ahead of yourself there it's just the way he talks.

"I don't..." He trails away scratching the back of his head embarrassed.

"Oh come on it's a-dork-able."

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