First Day

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"Carry what's you real name? You've told me you legally changed your name? So what is it?" I ask while the ladies do our feet nicely. She chuckles looking to me like I'm nuts.

"You are so nosey! My real name is Anise but I don't know why my parents names me that!" She chuckles but I think the name is quite beautiful.

"I like that name! Either way I like them both." We both chuckle when the ladies finish our toes, mine is neon yellow and hers are white with silver Indian designs on them. Not Indians but India Indian signs. "Your toes are so cute!" I chirp looking down to them.

"Let's hope they stay that way." She mutters paying the lady for both of ours.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Your right I didn't but I did." I snort and we both carefully hobble out to our car letting our toes dry for a bit. "So how is Addie doing? Dean texted me about her...fangs." She coughs the last part immaturely making me chuckle.

"Yeah I gave her some of that stuff you made us this morning and when she tasted it I saw her fangs pushing enough I saw her white tips of them. It was cute but I'm worried once they grow in she might attack a kid at school and our cover is blown. I just don't want anything happening to her."

"I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Do you know if there are any other people like us?" I ask her, she nods proud of herself.

"Just one other, I met him once a very hot guy. His name is Eli he's a bit older than you two but vampire wise he's younger."

"How is he younger?"

"He had the gene but then he died, came back as a vampire." She shrugs before starting the car.

"Wow, so where does he live?"

"He lives three doors down from you." I had to take a mental step back shocked.

"He lives here? Near us!"

"Yeah he has been living there since he turned."

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

"I thought it might threaten you, with the safety of Addie if he thought she was human and you know, drank from her." Now hearing that I begin to panic, she goes out there as of it's clock work, her whole day is clock work. Wake up, pee, brush hair, teeth, clothes, her prayers, eats, school, comes home, naps, home work, watches Frozen, eats dinner, goes out to play by five. Comes in for dessert, bath, brushes teeth, bible time, then bed time. That's her day and it really is to the minute and if it's off she is grumpy all week until her body gets it right. That's just how this little girl is. Eli could have memorized that she goes out at a certain time, plays for a certain amour of time then comes back in at the exact same time very single day.

"Oh my gosh Carry!" I shout feeling paranoid already and scared.

"Whoa slow down, it's her first day if school right? Your paranoid that she's not here with you all day every day. Just relax that's what the pedicure was for." She turns in to a herb shop, she sells home herb remedies. They work really well. We both get out and carefully walk into the small shop where she is instantly greeted by a man and women and two small children.

"Hi Carry!"

"Hey guys! This is my friend Sloan I was telling you about."

"Oh nice to meet you we have heard so much about you!" The lady steps out from behind the counter and I see she is heavily pregnant, like very. I don't know how her tiny body can sustain that boulder.

"Oh nice to meet you too." I say hesitantly.

"Oh don't worry I'm not due for another month." She chuckles and that makes me all the more worried, the bigger that baby gets it won't be able to even make it through, I don't even know if it will now! "We had treatments so there are four in here."

"Oh congratulations!" I pretend.

"Sloan! Come help me!" Carry calls, oh my perfect timing! I quickly rush over to her feeling super uncomfortable, who would want four babies inside of them at once? She doesn't even have four breasts they can share! "Which one calms you more? Wolfsbane or Lilac?" I snort hearing Wolfsbane but snide the small viles and Lilac soothes me more.

"Lilac definitely."

"Good because Eli asked me for a sleeping remedy but he said that the previous one have him night mares so I'm trying this one." I nod confused while we pick out a few more scents.

"Will this be all?" The man asks scanning all sixteen bottles.

"Yes." Carry says digging through her purse.

"That will be fifty four dollars." The man says bagging up her things in a paper bag. Carry hands him cash and gladly takes the bag.

"Buy good luck Eleanor!" Carry says waving good bye. I do the same and we walk out of the store relieved.

"Man! Is she really having four?" I ask catching up to her.

"Yeah she's a bit nuts, her first two were actually sextuplets but four if them died at birth so now they are doing quadruplets."


"They want a lot of kids and doing a bunch at the same time will speed up the process so they don't have to do one and wait nine months then a few months to recover."

"I don't know how I could afford that."

"Speaking of which are you going to have another baby? I mean it's been two years." We climb into the car and I sigh putting on my seat belt.

"I don't think so, I just can't bring myself to do it."

"I could give you something for that?" She starts the car and pulls away. "I mean we all know Addie wants and needs someone to play with you know? She's getting so lonely."

"I do know but also for me? Is it healthy for me? I feel like I would be replacing her."

"Your not, it's been two years, we all know your not, and unless it's your intentions to replace her it isnt. Its time to move on, of course she will always be your baby girl and she will always hold a special spot in your heart but your still young take the opportunity of being fertile and having children for granted! I would do anything to have a baby! Just one!" She says with so much diapare in her voice it breaks mine to hear it.

"What if I was your surrogate?"

"It's my eggs that are malfunctioned not my uterus. Plus I could never do that your married you need to have your own kids." She says turning into our neighborhood and that's when I see Eli, he's new and he's getting the mail. He looks directly into my eyes and a hint of recognition covers his face before shaking his head and turning away. That was odd.

She pulls into my driveway and I slip out of the car. "Bye thank you Carry."

"Bye! Oh and please think about it, you still have a chance, maybe one day you'll regret it." I just roll my eyes playfully and close the door but looking into her car window I can see the pained expression. Walking up the drive way I enter my home and lock the door behind me. Looking at my clock I see she still has four hours left of school. Sighing the house is tidy and I just walk into my bedroom and plop down onto my bed setting a timer to go pick up Addie and I fall to sleep exhausted.

Today has been one long day...


Hey guys thanks for the reads and sorry these chapters are so short but I won't probably be updating for a while cause my parents don't like Wattpad. So I might be off for a while but I will try to update as much as I can. So please comment and vote still!!! Love them comments! If you have questions, suggestions, or requests please comment or PM me! Love you all your all awesome!

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