Getting ready

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A/E Hello again the party will be ready and adding Leo here
Markus POV.
I'm with Leo his Also invited to the android party at jericho we're just getting things ready and he said that he wants to stop doing drugs and start a life and I agree to let him get along with Androids we known each other as brothers now and he speaks and said" so Markus what's this party for"I turned to him"for our freedom last in half year I want humans and androids to get to know each other"Leo smiled"just like you did to me"Leo looks upset"what's wrong Leo"he looks at me"I just........hard to....I'm sorry for blaming you that you killed dad"I put my hand to his shoulder"it's ok we both miss Carl but Carl wants us to be happy"Leo smiled I smiled back after we talk a lot of stuff and he ask"hey Markus how long do you have a relationship with your lover"i heated up"one in a half year""that's nice but did you guys had sex once?"I heated up more and said"no we didn't"Leo laugh"sorry but he does really care about you and scared of losing you" said Leo then we both heard I knock we both looked at the door and turned to me"good luck bro"he whisper"what?" He went to the door and saw Simon"hey simon""hello Leo""don't worry I'm just about to leave so your alone with him"said Leo with and wink Simon heated up"what is that supposed to mean" Leo laugh"nothing bro"he let Simon in and he left and shut the door from behind


"I just wanted to check on you"Simon with a smile"I'm sorry what Leo said to you""no no it's ok I think he was just teasing me"said simon with a smile"our people are getting ready for tomorrow's party"said Simon and he's a little worried and said"hey I'm going now I don't want to disturb you from working"and Simon turned to the door and I grabbed his hand"stay please" he blush and he turned to me and"how can my fiancée disturbed me"he heated up"M-Markus"Simon said while blushing and he told me a question"what ever happened tomorrow I just want to let you know that I"Said Simon and we connected our hands while our skin faded and with the blue glowing to our hands and Simon said"I'm glad that you gave us freedom"i smiled at him and I leaned for a kiss as he kiss back 4 seconds later we pulled away and he walked over door and he looks back to me"keep yourself save.......I don't want to lose you"Simon said and he went out and shut the door behind


Kara POV.
[luther-lover] [alice-family]

We just arrived here in Detroit and we are in our hotel while Alice play with her toys and me and Luther are talking "I hope the party will be fun"Luther laugh and said"all party's are fun but we'll be seeing our friends again"I giggled and I heard a phone call as I grab the phone and speak to it"hello who is this"as I hear Markus voice" it's me Markus are you guys here in Detroit"" yes we're here and we'll be going there around 6:00""ok can't wait to see you guys"as I put down the phone"I hope Emma will be there"Said alice I have feeling that how did Simon's brother alive"I think she'll be there"said Luther"is getting late now we should get some rest"Alice and Luther nodded and I put Alice pj's and put her to bed"good night Alice"i Said smiling"good night Kara and Luther" as I kissed Alice forehead and she fall asleep me and Luther went i our bed and said good night to each other and sleep a I close the lamp

Connor POV.
[Hank-lover] [Nines-brother] [Gavin-friend]

Me and nines and hank and Gavin are In the park looking at the view and hank and gavin are talking about the party for tomorrow and nines and I were just sitting and watching the stars and nines ask me a question"so Connor what's up with you and hank"and I answer the question"it's nice to be with him but I'm worried gavin is hurting you or not"nines laugh and said"he don't hurt me his really nice"I smiled and Gavin changed a lot he wasn't like this before but when nines come he change I guest he needed something to let him change after 5 minuets hank and Gavin went to us and sit with us hank hugs me and I hugged him back nines and Gavin looked at us and Gavin decided to do the same with nines nines also hugged him back and we all pulled away to looked at the sky

Hello guys I hoped you liked it and see to the next chapter love you guys

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