Déjà vu

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What is happening to me! Please somebody help me. I can't breathe. Please! I tried to say but my voice wouldn't come out. In a spur of moment, a bright golden light illuminated the room. A radiant wind enveloped me enabling me to breathe again. The pain I felt was washed away and I was able to move my limbs effortlessly and that's when I heard a voice one which was very familiar.

"Hello Sym!" The voice called for me. I couldn't see clearly in the bright light. All I could see was a dark golden shadow. Narrowing my eyes, I tried to get a clearer view of the shadow.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I questioned flinching a little on the bed.

"You are in the hospital sym! your body is in a state of shock and I am here to help you." The shadow said. I cannot comprehend what exactly is going on but I guess I am hallucinating.

"This is only a figment of my stupid imagination. It will go away! It will go away! "I kept blabbering to myself closing my eyes tightly. I opened my eyes expecting that whatever I saw was just my vivid imagination but unfortunately it was still there. Symmy, you have hit your head hard in that accident for sure. I thought for myself and sighed.

"You seem troubled" The shadow said.

"Troubled! Who?..Me? Of course not." I chuckled sarcastically.

"Come closer I want to see who you are" I told to the shadow in a stern voice. The shadow walked toward and he was now standing right beside me. That face, I'm sure I have seen you somewhere. I frowned my forehead trying to remember when and where. He didn't appear human only a golden shadow but his features can be seen at closer range. He looked so radiant.

"Don't waste the little energy you have Sym!" he said to me. I looked at him in awe as he just read my mind.

"What are you! wait this is a dream. Of course Symmy you are dreaming, come on wake up now! "saying this to myself I pinched hand but I felt nothing, I couldn't feel my skin I didn't feel any pain. This is creepy. Am I dead?

"No you are not" the shadow beside me said. I am sure he just smirked. Can shadows do that I wonder.

"Stop reading my mind for God's sake" I yelled at him but my voice came out merely a whisper. So now I am unable to talk aloud? Seriously I have lost my cognitive abilities after this freaking accident. Why me, why did this happen to me! I kept thinking.

The shadow smiled at me, obviously he was reading my mind. I gave him a cold and a confused stare. He snapped his fingers and it beamed a bright light almost blinding me and the memories of the accident flashed back to me in an instant.

"Open your eyes Sym." He said to me.

I opened my eyes to see that I was standing bare foot on the side of the road wearing only the hospital gown. Well this is embarrassing, I thought but it didn't take long for me to realise what I was seeing was not real. The vehicles passing by me did not notice me.

It was very dark and raining. The lights of the street lamps doing no help at all to illuminate the street. The atmosphere felt appalling. I searched for the shadow but it was not there. Of course a shadow cannot be in the dark. I gulped a lump in my throat.

"Where are you? Shadow of my imagination! I know it is you who is doing this to me" I yelled in to the air.

"Wait and watch, they will be here soon" The shadow said.

I couldn't see it, and standing out in the dark while it's raining, talking to a voice that only I could hear was creeping me out. It felt as if I was in some creepy horror movie.

While my mind was busy at thinking such thoughts I saw a bright light from the corner of my eyes. I quickly glanced at it and to see that it was a car, a bright red Chevrolet was speeding toward me.

How can this be? Can my mind play such illusions? This..this is my car! My gaze fixated on the speeding vehicle.

As it passed me, suddenly everything became slow motion. I could see the tires rolling, I could see who was on the passenger side. Chris, she turned to the backseat. Her blond hair was waving in the wind. JoAnne was giving out the best laugh. She was sitting in the back seat. Everything was happening right in front of me and I know what is coming for them. My heart started to pound in my ribcage so hard.

"Taylor SLOW DOWN" I screamed for them. Only if they could hear me.

The car was moving toward the zig zag bend ahead. It took the first bend and I am sure Taylor lost control as the car skidded to the wrong side of the road as it approached the next bend. A loud honking of a truck was heard.

"Oh my God no no no!" I kept screaming at them but it was no use. Tears running down my cheeks as I kept looking at the most disastrous and most regrettable moment of my eighteen years of existence.

The truck steered to the other side to avoid impact as much as possible crashing it on to the other side of the road. The car we were in collided with the truck from the driver's side and it went in the air. In an instant it flipped over and bumped on a couple of rounds like a toy rolling down a flight of stairs. It crashed on to a large tree nearby.

"No No No" I screamed in agonising pain as my heart bled at what I just saw.

I slumped myself to the ground and cried out loud as I could not conceal the pain that I felt. My brain did not seem to register what I see, I closed my eyes. How can possibly someone survive such a fatal accident.

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