17. Dearest, Assembly

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Alexander wasn't gone by morning. 

He tried to be. He tried sneaking out before Thomas was even awake, but he got caught on the way out by one of his sisters. He thought he remembered her as either Jane or Mary, they sort of looked alike to him so he wasn't too sure, but definitely one of them. 

"Hamilton," she muttered in a way that secured in Alex's head that she was related to Thomas. The way she said it almost made him think that the boy he tolerated learned it from his older sister first. 

"Hi," Alexander said dumbly. 

"Why don't you take a seat? You and I can have a little talk," she offered in a way that said he had no choice in the matter and he was going to hate the topic. Still, though, he did as he was told and sat in a chair that was facing the woman. Before she got started on the topic, she said, "You don't know which sister I am, do you?" Hamilton shook his head and the woman sighed. "Mary."

"Oh, right," he mumbled. He was really just wanting to get out of the house before Thomas got up and verbally beat the shit out of him for still being there. 

"First off, you're an asshole and as of right now I don't like you," Mary started, obviously not wanting to spare his feelings at all. "Second, what do you want for breakfast?" 

For a second, Alex wasn't sure he heard her right. Who insults someone and then offers them food? It just didn't seem like they went together at all. He did hear her right, though. She repeated herself until he gave her an acceptable answer. Thomas wasn't too happy to have to eat breakfast with Hamilton. 

One semi-awkward, child-filled car ride later, and they got to school, where Jefferson locked the car doors before Alexander could get out. He was sure that Thomas was about to kill him, or at the very least punch him in the face. Alex was prepared for either one. 

"I hate you," Thomas said simply. Apparently, the Jeffersons weren't people to start of with a warm-up topic, something Hamilton thought was unique to Thomas. "I hate you, and I like you, and I hate you for making me like you and for kissing me and for being so you, but we're both helping John so I'm willing to tolerate you." 

"Thank you?" 

"You're welcome. Now get out of my car." 

Feeling slightly better about the situation, Hamilton got out. He started walking toward the building as Thomas jogged to catch up with him, to Alex's surprise. They walked together to class until they had to go separate ways. 

Once inside his class, and once the bell rang, the loudspeaker came on. The basic announcement was that after the teachers took attendance, everyone was to move to the football field. That was it.

Eliza? Alex called out. The two had talked since their argument in John's kitchen, but she still seemed more than upset with him. Her responding was a fifty/fifty split.

Immediately, though, she responded with, it's just an assembly. A whole school, assembly.

She sent the thought like it was an everyday thing but he had never experienced an assembly outside of elementary school. As soon as he received the thought, his teacher stood up from the desk and stood near the door.

"We have an unplanned assembly. It won't take long, so you'll come back here after. Alright, let's go."

The words sounded emotionless and robotic, which just worried Hamilton about whether or not the teacher knew the context of the gathering and whether or not it was something he needed to be worried about. He didn't send anything else to Eliza, but he kept the connection up just in case.

Dearest, Soulmate (Jamilton)Where stories live. Discover now