Chapter 3

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'Merlin's beard, Malfoy' Walburga whined exasperated. 'This is the hundredth time that I explain to you the concept of the boggart.'
'You know what ,mate?' Valient said rolling his eyes. 'You're not pretty enough to be this stupid'
'Not pretty enough?' Malfoy repeated eyes wide as the group chuckled. 'I'd let you know that I can have any girl I want. Any girl'
'Oh really?' Avery asked with a smirk 'what abou..'
'Enough!' Walburga interrupted furiously. 'We came here to study and not to compete over the best physique'
'Which I have by the way' Malfoy whispered annoyed as he crossed his arms on his chest.
'Now' She continued with a glare towards the blond boy. 'Rosier can you tell us why is your head in the clouds?'
Elena nudged her friend in the ribs to bring her back to the real world. To which Lilith let out a whimper of pain.
'It's nothing important, really' she said with a reassuring smile.
'Great. Because unlike that thing about which you were thinking, our  OWLs are actually quite important. In fact..'
Walburga's motivational speech was interrupted by a cough and Lilith looked up to see Alphred Black holding a pile of books in his hands.
'I see you've decided to join us' his sister said with a satisfied smirk.
He rolled his eyes and looked at Lilith to see her avoiding his gaze. He sat down next to her and tried catching her attention.
'Listen' he whispered hurriedly. 'I apologise I snapped. But so did you and I guess we're both to blame..'
'What are you talking about?' Lilith interrupted with an unsure smile
'Our fight?' He explained more confused than ever.
'Oh no!' She chuckled slightly. 'It was terrible. What I said about your girlfriend, I was prejudiced. I'm sorry.'
Alphred's eyes were wide and he nodded still unsure about what just happened.
This was Lilith Rosier. The girl that made it so clear that she loathed muggles. He just called her a slut and she was apologizing for being prejudiced? He really knew nothing about her.
Lilith tried to hide her satisfied smirk. If he dared call her a whore, then she was going to make him fall for her so bad and then she will break him in such a way that he can't be healed.
'A boggart is an amortal shape-shifting non-being that takes the form of the viewer's worst and darkest fear' Walburga explained pacing in front of the fireplace.
'What does a boggart look like when it's alone?' Elena asked furrowing her eyebrows.
'Good question. No one knows because it instantly changes into the viewer's worst fear'
'What if a boggart is faced with more than one person?' Avery questionned deep in thought.
'Then that would be a clever way to confuse a boggart and make it indecisive. If a person has more than one fear, the boggart would cycle through them.'
'Isn't there a charm to combat boggarts?' Orion noted leaning forward on the table to make himself comfortable.
'Uh..' Walburga said lamely. 'Charm.. Yes, of course. The Riddikulus charm requires a strong mind and good concentration. The incantation and the wand movement alone are not enough to make it disappear. Its aim is to turn the fear into something amusing so that the caster of the spell will be able to laugh at the boggart.'
And so they kept on going over that day's lessons, explaining it with very precise details and sharing their notes. Avery was really good at arithmancy so, for a change, he was the one to explain their first lesson of that subject. Alphred was not good at writing notes but he was brilliant in transfiguration. Orion was possibly the only one to not only survive History of magic but he was also passionate about it. Elena was the teachers' pet and hence she knew some tips and tricks to prepare for the OWL exams. Malfoy, however, suggested that he gives them a book of advanced potions that he inherited from his great grandfather. Lilith suggested that she writes their essays for them because she had an elegant handwriting but they laughed it off and told her to come up with something better.
It was already midnight and the girls were heading to their dorms.
'You coming?' Elena asked yawning adorably.
'Oh holy hippogriff' she cursed under her breath. 'I have something to do. Go without me'
Walburga looked at her friend suspiciously but shrugged deciding that she needed her sleep to be efficient and productive.
Lilith ran upstairs to the sixth year boys' dorm and she knocked on the door. To her surprise, it was opened quite quickly and Bulstrode greeted her with a lustful smirk that mirrored her own. She sat on his bed and closed the curtains trying not to wake his dormmates up. He cast the muffliato charm and started kissing her roughly.
Alphred Black was not a morning person and he really valued his sleep. He headed to the great hall begrudgingly and sat next to his fellow fifth years. He wasn't sure he actually was awake, he was too exhausted to see his girlfriend Katie Winston waving at him. However, he managed to notice that a certain girl was missing.
He eyed his sister and the Lestrange girl who were obviously not worried enough about their friend's absence.
It was unlike Walburga to come to breakfast without her, she would usually drag her and force her to eat breakfast every morning.
But today, she was not here and he hated that he was worried.
'Hey mates!' Avery greeted sitting down and downing a cup of pumpkin juice. 'Has any of you seen Bulstrode? I want to ask him about the try-outs.'
'It's weird that he's not here' the Rosier boy elaborated. 'He's usually the first one awake.'
Just as Alphred was thinking about the rare chance that their absence would be a coincidence, a blushing Bulstrode walked in, then made his way towards his friends who cheered and clapped him on the back.
After that, Rosier opened the great hall's doors and strutted to join her friends looking far too innocent.
Alphred heard his sister gasp and Lestrange squeal loud enough for bloody Dippet to hear. He frowned and told himself to stop thinking about her. He shook his head and joined Katie.
'Good morning' she kissed him on the cheek and dragged him out of the great hall. 'Did you dream about me?'
'Did you?' he asked avoiding her cheesy question.
'Actually, I did.' She said with a small smile.
A month of school already went by and the slytherin folks were too focused on their studies to think about anything else. But soon enough, a furious brunette made her way to the common room.
'I can not believe him!' Lilith squealed angrily sitting on the big emerald sofa.
'What happened?' Walburga questionned unfazed by her melodramatic friend.
'I can not believe him' she simply repeated throwing her velvet cape on  the floor.
Avery eyed her see through shirt shamelessly but she couldn't care any less.
'Lilith' her brother snapped annoyed. 'Can you please explain why you're so flustered?'
'Okay. Okay. Okay.' She started hurriedly.
'So I was walking down the dungeons and I see bloody Slughorn walking in my direction. Naturally, I smiled at him and told him to have a good evening. He politely told me 'good evening to you too, Miss Greengrass'
So I nodded and kept on walking but then I realized. Therefore, I ran back to the chubby wizard and told him thay I'm Lilith Rosier and that he has been teaching me for five years now. He laughed and wiggled his finger at me then apologised for his mistake. He said 'It's just that you and Greengrass are both mediocre in potion making''
She stopped breathlessly waiting for them to react and to sympathise with her.
'Can you believe him?' She asked incredulously. 'Me? Mediocre?'
'Come on now Lilith' Elena giggled at her friend's dismay. 'We all know that potion making isn't your thing. Why are you so offended?'
'Because he compared my mediocre skills to someone else. I used to be THE mediocre girl, now I'm just a mediocre girl.'
Lilith looked at her mates disgusted by their professor. Walburga was slightly annoyed, Elena laughed wholeheartedly, Valient shook his head, Malfoy and Avery were sympathizing with her each for their own reason. She glanced at Black who was casually sitting on the floor chuckling at her slightly.
'Fine' she snapped hands on her hips. 'But I will get my revenge. Avery, Malfoy which of tou charming boys was invited to slug's halloween party?'
'I was' Avery said not meeting her eyes. 'But.. I already invited Greengrass'
Walburga let out a loud giggle and everyone was surprised to hear her laugh.
'Well, Malfoy?' Lilith practically ordered glaring at her so-called friend.
'Of course, I'm invited' he stated proudly rolling his blue eyes.
'Good. I'll meet you in the common room' she decided finally sitting down  with a satisfied nod
'I'm honoured that you accepted my invitation, Rosier' Malfoy sarcastically bowed his head.
Lilith grinned at him charmingly and clapped her hands enthusiastically.
'So what were you reviewing before you were interrupted?'
Elena practically dragged the girls to the dorm closing the door behind her loudly. Walburga sat quietly on her bed while Lilith crawled next to her.
'So' Elena started her hazel eyes glimmering with excitment. 'Do you know how important this party is?'
'Yes. Considering that you couldn't shut up about it all week' Walburga stated looking at her perfectly polished nails.
'There are going to be the best aurors, that famous seeker from thw holyhead harpies. Oh, the founder of witch weekly, there's also going to be wizards from France and the middle east. Do you realize how important it is to our social lives? Slughorn is ecstatic!'
Lilith smirked in a very evil way. Oh now she knew how to get her revenge.
'What are you going to wear?' She asked her friends in interest
Elena squealed and pushed a green dress in her friend's hands. The latter loomed at it in awe. It was a beautiful dress, it had long sleeves but the neck revealed some cleavage, it was long and flowing. The shoes were high heeled because of Elena's naturally petite figure. Next to the dress she saw an emerald necklace that shined brightly.
'Waouh' was all that Lilith could say. Even Walburga's eyes were wide.
'What about you?' Elena sked them putting on her dress and adjusting it.
'I have a dress that was tailored for my yule ball but I guess there's no harm in wearing it now' Walburga explained as she looked through her closet and grabbed a pitch black dress.
It was magnificent. The dress was conservative, just like the Blacks, but it felt right to see her put it on. A more revealing dress would have probably been too much of a statement for her. Conservative but it hugged her body to show her tiny waist and her slender figure. 
'Oh my' Elena gasped. 'It's perfect'
'Lilith? what about you?'
Lilith shrugged. She obviously had no idea what to wear, seeing as she wasn't planning on going. But suddenly, she stood up. She looked through her messy wardrobe and Walburga let out a shocked gasp at the sight of the mess that was her friend. Elena gasped too but it was because of something else.
Lilith stood in front of them. A velvet red dress hugging her curvy figure in a very flattering way. It reached the floor but it has splits on each side revealing her tall toned legs. The neck was very revealing but it still managed to look formal. The colour was that of a rose and the material was soft and matte.
'It was my mother's' lilith whispered a vague of sadness covering her eyes.
'It's gorgeous'
Elena took her wand and smiled in mischief as she styled their hair and did their make up.
'Ladies, let's go break hearts!'

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