A girl named Zoey lives in Oregon and here friends go with her everywhere she goes they are very close. She has a boyfriend named Cody he is very truthful he tells no secrets or dose he? Zoey moves to la because her mom got married to her stepdad so...
First period rolls around and everyone scatters to their classes. Zoey and Chloe had the same first period which was Math Class Zoey loved math she was really good at it but Chloe on the other hand was not so good and had to make nerds do her homework for her.
After the couple minutes Zoey had to use the bathroom so she did. While was washing her hands she was looking at the mirror and looks at her self. As Zoey heads back she runs into Chloe's boyfriend Zack which is the captain of the football team. Zack runs into her on accident and knocks off her glasses. Zoey fell to the floor trying to find them then Zach hands the glasses back to her and helps her up.
This is how Zoey looks like
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Zoey rushes to her class without saying a word to Zack. Zack on the other hand is confused but shrugged and keeps walking. Zoey looked flustered on what just happened. Zoeys thoughts-Oh my gosh why did he help me? He is never nice to me but why the change? So many questions going threw my brain. It's probably nothing I should just pay attention.
Chloes thoughts- Hmm why she just rush to her seat, there must be a problem and I wanna know. Maybe if I go to the restroom I will find out. Am so brilliant that is what I will do. Ok so there is nothing in the hall way so it must be the restroom. Ok so am in the restroom and ooo I lookin good SELFIE!
This is Chloe
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As Chloe walks back to class she was confused on why Zoey looked like she had seen something disturbing. When Chloe walked in the classroom she gave Zoey a dirty look and Zoey noticed at once. After Chloe sat down Zoey was confused on why Chloe looked at her the way she did. After the bell rings everyone gets up and go. As Zoey was leaving Chloe stopped her and said. "I know you are up to something and I am going to find out" As Chloe walks away Zoey is in shock and rushes to her next period.
Sorry this part was so long but hope you guys like the story so far bye guys!