A girl named Zoey lives in Oregon and here friends go with her everywhere she goes they are very close. She has a boyfriend named Cody he is very truthful he tells no secrets or dose he? Zoey moves to la because her mom got married to her stepdad so...
Zoey's P.O.V -As the sun rises it is almost time for Zoey to wake up ~5:00am~ "ZOEY wake up time to wake up for your makeover!" "Ugh what time is it?" "It's five now get up!" "Ok fine." "Yay. Ok so first we are going to start with your hair do what am planning is to curl it and put half up half down." "Ok let's do this," ~20 minutes later~ "Ok so we are done you already look cute. So now the makeup. Oh first we need to get rid of the glasses and put in your new contacts!" "Ok. Umm there how do I look?" "Amazing! Now time for makeup." ~30 minutes later~ "Ok so now the outfit!" "Ok I still don't know what I look!" "Trust me you look gorgeous! So anyways I want you to wear this and this and I will add to the outfit." ~5 minutes later~ "Wow you look stunning. Now for the extra stuff! Ok done now let's get you to the mirror!" "Ok let's see how I look!"
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"Wow I don't even look like me anymore!" "You look amazing now time for me to get ready!" "Ok what time is it?" "I don't know check." "Ok it is... 6:55 we should leave in 20 minutes." "Ok deal ." After 20 minutes Zoey and Lily start leaving the house to go to school. As they approached the door to the school people outside looked at Zoey thinking she is new. People:Woah who is that? People: She looking fine as hell People: Major oof "Oo Zoey every one is staring at you!" "No they are not can we just get inside?" "Ok what ever you say." When Zoey and Lilly went inside the school everyone was staring at Zoey without knowing who it was. Zack looks over to the door to see what people are looking at but then he sees her. "Woah who is that Nick?" "No I can't be!" "What who?" "Zoey..." "Oh my gosh it is." "Bro! She hot." "Shut up." Finally Cody looks over to Zoey. "Woah is that Zoey? She isn't at her locker yet." Zoey reaches her locker. Zack and Cody go up to her but Cody makes it first but Zack listens to what they are talking about. "Her shortcake." "Oh hi you scared me." "Sorry shortcake. What is up with the new look?" "Oh well I thought I could go for a different kind of look why do you not like it?" "No I do I love the look can't wait for that date tonight!" "Same anyways... I need to get to math class bye." "Bye shortcake." Zack slowly leaves the area sadly. ~Lunch~ "Zoey are you going to try out for the cheerleading team?" "Idk do you think I could make it?" "I mean you never know plus I don't wanna try out by myself so..." "Fine I will only for you." "Yay let's go." "Wait right now?!" "Yes right now." "Oh gosh." ~30 minutes later~ "We made it Zoey!" "I know and the outfits are cute!"
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