A girl named Zoey lives in Oregon and here friends go with her everywhere she goes they are very close. She has a boyfriend named Cody he is very truthful he tells no secrets or dose he? Zoey moves to la because her mom got married to her stepdad so...
Z: When I woke I saw a mysterious guy next to me and I was so confused. "Ugh my head. What happened last night? And who's bed am I in because it's not mine." I noticed the guys staring to wake up so I quickly slip out of bed and walk to my room. As I was on my way to my room the house was a mess there was random stuff on the floor and lots of candy wrappers. I enter my room and see it's all nice and neat. I ignore the fact my room is the only clean room and I go to my bathroom and take a shower. After am done I look in my closet for what to wear. "Ooo haven't wore this yet."
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I go downstairs and I see my mom and my soon to be stepdad. They look so mad on the mess. "WHAT HAPPENED?!?" "Uhh..." "I did not expected this from you young lady." "Sorry guess you should pay attention more." "Well ex-" "Hunny it's ok I will just have my maids clean up this mess." "Oh ok." "See mom it's fine. Anyways what's for breakfast?" "Eggs and avocado toast." "Ok." I sit down and I hear foot steps come down the stairs. I look back and it's the guy I woke up next to in the morning. "Hey Pops." "Hey my son." As soon as I hear the words that came out of there mouths I immediately spit my water out of my mouth. "Are you ok my sweetie?" "Um yes but I would to speak with my new stepbrother..." "Uh ya sure." I grab him by his are and go to the living room. "YOUR MY STEPBROTHER!" "Wait What?" "Oh right you were still asleep when I woke up." "..." "Ok so I woke up next to YOU and I thought you were some random guy." "Oh shit." "Ya real problem dumbass." "Well sorry jeez." I hear the front door open. I hear the foot steps go closer and closer. Next thing I know Luna comes bursting threw the door. I immediately left so she didn't ask any questions. But before I left I had to ask her something. "Hey Luna are we gunna go to school together." "Umm ya. Or who is going with us besides my friends?" "So it's me Lilly and Michael going with and your friends." "What about your boyfriend Cody?" "Oh that piece of shit. I don't know who he is?" "Oh I see you guys broke up. How?" "Umm none of your business." "Ok dam." I look at her in a way then I leave to wait the car. When I get in the car I saw my friends. "Guys I have tea." "Oh really spill." "Ok so there was this guy next to me when I woke up. And ugh this is embarrassing." I see Michael and Lilly looking at me waiting to see what happens next. "Ok go one bitch." "Ok geez Michael chill. So anyways I just found out he is my FUCKING stepbrother." "Oof" "Really Lilly." "What it is a oof." "Whatever oh Luna is coming be quiet." "Ok sis." "Anyways Hey Luna." "Hey Zoey. Are you ready to be late for your first day of school." "Ya. I have my first class with you so." "Ok so let's go to Starbucks and get a drink." "Ok bye Lilly and Michael see you when I get home." "Ok bye." "Bye Zoe."
At Starbucks: We arrive at Starbucks and I get a iced coffee. "So Luna Who is the bitch?" "Excuse me?" "You know every school has a self centered drama queen." "Oh right her name is Stacy." "Oh ya she sounds like a bitch." "Ya. So who was a the bitch at your school?" "Her name is Chloe. She used to be my bestie but she thought she was to good for me so she went to the popular group. I mean I couldn't blame her I looked so ugly." "Chloe sounds like a basic bitch name." "Well was a basic bitch." The rest of the car ride we talked about our school. "Oh we are here. Ready?" "Ya." "Remember give a attitude when you walk in." "I know it's not my first rodeo." "Dam already being sassy, I see you Zoey." "Call me Zoe if you want." "Ok Zoe." We stepped in class and already got in trouble. "Luna late again." "Ya ya no one cares. Haven't you got used to it." "And you again are you staying here? Hopefully your nice." "Me? Nice please. And also yes I do go here now. Dumbass." I rolled my eyes and walked to the back seat. "Excuse me what is your name?" "Zoey. My friends call me Zoe." "Well Zoe that's not we say in class." "First of all I said only FRIENDS call me Zoe and your not my friend. Second of all who gives a fuck on what I say." "ZOEY principal's office NOW!" "Whatever." I get up and I look at Luna and she is silent clapping. I laugh and walk out.
Principles Office: I get in the office and the lady pointed to the principals office. "Your in big trouble miss." I look at her in disgust and opened the door. "Do you know why you are here?" "Duh it just happened." "Ok miss attitude calm down. Due to its your first official day you will get detention instead of being suspended. But just remember that next time this happens you will be suspended." "Ya ya. Can I go now?" "Yes you are excused." I head to second period and now it's break.
Break time:I run into Luna so I just hang out with her. "Hey Luna." "Hey Zoe so what happened at the principals office?" "I got detention." "Good job on the first day to. People are talking about you now." "Really what are they saying?" "Let's just say it's a good thing. Anyways when do you have detention?" "Right now. But I don't want to go so I am not." "You should there are cute guys in there." "Ok fine I am convinced." "Ok bye Zoe." "Bye." I walk in the class and I see a average looking guy in the back. I go in the opposite side of him in the back. He comes to sit next to me. "What's up girl." "Excuse me who are you?" "You don't know who I am?" "Nope your to irrelevant for me to know you." "Oh you must be the girl." "How did you know?" "It's the sass. Zoey right?" "Yes." "Well I am Luke." "Hey Luke you can sit all the way over there." I point across the room so he won't talk to me. "Why? You don't want me here." "Obviously dumbass." "Ok fine I am going." When he got up he winked at me so I pushed him to get there faster.
After school: Nothing else really happened besides people telling me that how did I have the confidence to talk back to the teacher and principal. Other than that school was boring.
//////////Hey guys it's been a while. Me and my friend has been getting writers block so excuse our absence. Anyways this chapter isn't really good I didn't put too much effort because I need to focus on other things but hope you liked it. Bye Babes🖤////////////