A girl named Zoey lives in Oregon and here friends go with her everywhere she goes they are very close. She has a boyfriend named Cody he is very truthful he tells no secrets or dose he? Zoey moves to la because her mom got married to her stepdad so...
Zoey's P.O.V- Zoey wakes up not knowing if Cody is ok. "Ugh I hope Cody is ok. Anyways I have to get ready for school."
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"Ok finally done with that I am going to go to school and see what happens." Zoey grabs the keys to the motorcycle and heads off to school without talking to her mom. When Zoey reaches school she sees Lilly waiting for her. Zoey takes off the the helmet and sees everyone staring at her. "What dose everyone have a staring problem geez. Anyways Hey Lilly what's up." "Hey Zoey what's up with the ride?" "Oh lets just say Cody let me use it." "Speaking of Cody he is coming right your way." "Really?" "Yes look behind you." Zoey turns her head and sees Cody. "Hey shortcake I see you road my motorcycle." "Yes I did now explain what happened yesterday." "Ok but we need to be alone." "Ok. Bye Lilly see you in first." "Ok see ya." Lilly walks inside. "So explain." "Ok long story." "Go on am here all day." "Ok so first off am in a gang and am the leader so where every I go they go." Zoey's eyes widened as Cody continues to talk. "So the guys that were at the pumpkin patch are called the bandits they are basically my enemy so they came to get "revenge" on me. And now I have to deal with them now." "Cody umm what is your gang called exactly." "We are called The North Siders because we come from the north obviously." "Ok well I wanna join." "Oh Woah Woah slow down now shortcake I won't let you do that." "And why is that." "Because your to sweet and innocent." "Ya ok." Zoey walks off being all dramatic. -bell rings- Zoey gets to class late for the first time ever. "Miss Gomez your late!" "Sorry maybe you should give us more time." "Excuse me who do you think your talking to?!" "You that's who I think am talking to." "Ugh be calm be calm ok 1234512345.. so anyways." "Pst Zoe what's wrong is it Cody?" "No am just trying to prove a point to Cody." Zoey looks at Cody from across the room. "You are really going to talk during my lesson Miss Gomez?" "No ugh." Zoey rolls her eyes and looks forwards. -lunch- When Zoey and Lilly try to find a place to sit they see so many people trying to get them to sit with them. "Umm Zoe everyone is treating you like your the new Queen B of the school which is iconic." I know right it's crazy." As Zoey and Lilly sit down Chloe walks up to them looking angry. "HEY listen I don't know what your thinking but if you even try to take my spotlight I would kil-" "I wouldn't recommend saying the rest of your sentence." "Cody I got this." "Oh your Cody so much cuter than i expected you single?" "No am not I have a girlfriend." "You do?" "You do?" "Ya and she is right beside me and if you get in her way I will destroy you and ruin your reputation." Zoey's hears what Cody is saying and starts to blush. "Ya Chloe am not going to let you run all over me like you did last time am here to put my foot down and stop you so now run along." "Ugh fine then losers." Chloe leaves and once again everyone was staring. "LOOK THE NEW ICONIC COUPLE!" Zoey and Cody look around to see who said that but they ended up laughing. "Anyways I got to go to football practice." "Ok bye. Woah Lilly what just happened?" "I really don't know." -after school- "Cody take me home ya?" "Ok let's go." On the way to the door Zoey saw Michael for the first time all school year. "MICHAEL!" "WHO ARE YOU?" "Oh right sorry am Zoey remember?" "Really? Hey bitch! You changed." "Ya i know right time flies." "Umm who are you?" "Umm Cody this is Michael, Michael this is Cody my boyfriend." "Oo dang girl get it." "Answer my question who are you?!" "Chill Cody he is one of my besties. Plus he is gay..." "Oh ok then." "So is crazy boy over here done?" "Yes anyways see you definitely tomorrow bye." "Bye." Zoey and Cody continue there way out of school. Zoey remembers that her mom is going to pick her up from school. "Oh I forgot that my mom is picking me up today sorry bye. We have to prepare for my stepdad to come which is so annoying." "Ok bye see you maybe later." "Ok bye." Zoey runs to her moms car and drives away. "Mom why do I have to help get the house ready for him." "Again he is still your father." "Ya stepfather." Zoey never liked her stepdad and stepsister. Zoey's mom knew that she didn't like them that's why they barely see them. "You know you Luna is in the cheer team now?" "Really. So we are both cheerleaders for different school." "Oh that's right I forgot you are in the cheer team." "Of course you did." Zoey gets out of the car and goes to her room. "Ugh why dose he have to come!" Zoey gets a text from Cody Cody:Hey shortcake Zoey:Hey what's up Cody:I want you to meet me at the park wearing a white shirt and a red bandanna Zoey:Why Cody:you want to join the gang didn't you? Zoey: I will be there Cody:ok thanks Zoey looks threw her closet to find a white a shirt.