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            Roman, being the gentleman he is, escorted me to my room for the night, claiming that I must be exhausted. After settling into my room, a maid came in with a new pair of pajamas, as well as bath soaps, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion. My room had a stunning view of the woods, as well as a bathroom that looked like a spa. The bed could probably fit at least 4 people, and was embroidered with jewels.

     After admiring the view as well as my room, I showered and decided to head to bed. Once I finally settled down, I realized how exhausted I truly was. Traveling words is pretty tiring after all.

"Faith." Mom scolded, her voice cold and her eyes sharp. Even growing up, Mother had always been strict, even though she appears to be carefree. Sometimes I felt as if my Mother was two different people. Goddesses weren't meant to show mercy.

"Yes?" I replied, trying to keep my voice calm and polite to not irritate her more.

"How many times do I have to tell you the same thing? Do you want to be killed when you get to Earth? Do you want to be weak and defenseless? Never show mercy to your enemies. Ever. You're a warrior."

     My eyes filled with tears as I looked at the beautiful horse in front of me. No, I thought to myself. A sweet, defenseless animal is not my enemy. I would never hurt such a thing.

"I won't do it, Mother."

     Her eyes glowed with rage, and I inched back in fear at every step she took towards me. She raised her hand, and as light started to come out of it, I braced myself for the impact. That's when I felt arms wrap around me.

"That's enough." The deep voice boomed. "Don't you dare lay a finger on her. She did nothing wrong."

     It was a voice I recognized very clearly; the King of the Underworld. To be in charge of something so frightening and dark, he had a strange kindness about him. A kindness he never received, so he gave it out freely to those who needed it. He lived quite a lonely life, but that changed once he was introduced to us by another kingdom. His kingdom wasn't too far, and he stopped by every once in a while to see how we were.

     My Mother, shaking her head in disgust, lowered her hand and disappeared into the air.

     Exhaling the breath I was holding, I looked up the King.

"Thank you, King Hades."

He smiled down upon me fondly, too fondly, and tucked a hair behind my ear. "Of course, Faith. I'll always be here for you. I will always protect you."

Ignoring the sickness that was welling up in my stomach, I nodded stiffly and made my way back to the kingdom.

     Bolting awake with confusion running through my veins, I wondered why I would dream of something so random, of something that happened a while ago. Well, not that long ago, maybe a year or two, but still. I shivered at the thought of Hades cold touch, and the hidden darkness of my Mother.

     Shortly after recalling the horrid memory, I heard a soft knock at my door.

"Breakfast." The kind voice stated.

"Coming!" I cheered, trying to fix my hair. As soon as I opened the door, I was greeted with trays of food such as pancakes, waffles, bacon, toast, hash browns, sausage, and orange juice as well as coffee. Gaping at the food, I wondered how I was going to eat all of it.

"Is there anything else you need?" The young, petite girl stated.

    For some reason, the sudden realization of why I was here hit me. The ceremony. Roman. Whether Roman was a good person. Or a good Alpha.

"No, but thank you. Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Of course, Luna Faith." My eyes widened at the title and triggered a rush of nervousness. I don't remember telling anyone that Roman was my mate. I decided to ignore it.

"Is Roman- or, I mean, Alpha Roman a good Alpha? Is he ruthless like most Alphas? Or kind? What does the pack think of him?"

Her eyes shined brightly as she chirped, "He's an amazing Alpha. He has a good reputation of being one of the kindest, but being ruthless when he needs to be. He's very involved in the pack. I'm sure there are a few who don't like him, but you can't force everyone to like you."

Feeling relieved, I nodded and thanked her once again. As soon as she exited, Roman himself greeted me.

"Mind if I join you for breakfast?" He smiled cheekily.

"Huh," I huffed, "No wonder she brought in so much food. I'm sure you had this planned out all along," I joked.

"Guilty," was all he said before sitting beside me on my bed, reaching for the pancakes.

Y'all, at first I didn't know what I wanted to do with this story, which would refrain me from writing, but now I know exactly what I want to do! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much for reading. I appreciate any constructive criticism, and what you think of the book so far. I'm afraid of making anything that's boring. Anyways, have an amazing day/night!

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