Update: She's Kinda Weird -- Ace

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When she looked at me, I could feel my blood freeze. She wasn't exactly welcoming, narrowing her eyes before launching into an easy smile, one I could tell was fake. I realized she was a thief, by the obvious knocked out people, but also her outfit. She wore a lilac dress that matched her hair, and black flats instead of heels. She should've worn tennis shoes and a floor length dress instead. Not that I was a fashion critic, just more practical for thieving.

She began to ramble, probably explaining things, but I didn't focus on her. I caught snippets of her explanation, something about roleplaying? First rule of thieving kid, keep explanations simple, and try and think of them beforehand. Also, make them believable.

I scanned the room and saw Mr. Jacobson's eyes travel from the girl to me, then briefly to a drawer. Bingo.

I looked back at her. I didn't know why I didn't jump inside, but it was too late, as she was shutting the window. I could've kicked her, but something held me back. Maybe it was because I'd hate to ruin such a pretty face. Stupid face.

She drew the curtains and I blinked. "Dang," I said aloud and began to look for any way to get in. My arms were dying, especially because I dislocated my arm. I tried to kick the window open, but it wasn't working. Ugh, if only I kicked her pretty face when I had the chance.

Suddenly, the shade was pulled back, and Mr. Jacobson was opening the window. Interesting. Also, he was quite charming looking up close.

I grabbed his hand and rolled inside before he could push me out the window. Aiming a swift kick to the inside of his knee, he collapsed, and I grabbed the nearest object to me and smashed it against his head. It was a lamp. Sorry lamp. As soon as I was sure he was out, I whirled around to face my next objective. The girl was halfway to the door before I realized what was happening. I raced after her, leaving soft footprints on the carpet. I caught up to her, and grabbed her shoulder, she took the opportunity to throw a punch, which I attempted to dodge. She hit my shoulder, and I kicked her stomach, sending her down. I reached for the crystal, and she kicked me back. I fell this time and groaned. "Thanks for that."

She drew a dagger from the folds of her dress, and I sighed. This was just great.

I held out a finger, "Wait a second." She stopped, startled, but didn't lower her dagger, taking my pause to trade the crystal for a second dagger.

Well, this is my second near-death experience today.

I grabbed my bad shoulder and pushed it inward, feeling a pop and a wave of pain. I grit my teeth and cried out softly. Taking a deep breath, I took my own sword from behind my back. "Okay, I'm good."

Her eyes were wide, and I resisted the urge to smile, I guess she'd never seen anyone relocated their shoulder before. She must be new to this. Or just really good at avoiding conflict.

I positioned my hands on the hilt, feeling the familiar stitching rub against my skin. She stayed in her defensive position, and I decided to attack first, no way I was letting that crystal go. "I'm gonna give you one chance before I kick your butt. Give me the freaky disco crystal."

She rolled her eyes, "No."

I exhaled, "Fine, I wouldn't mind a good fight." I struck her dagger, and she deflected it, her muscles just barely straining. I raised my sword and aimed for her legs. She jumped over it and threw her dagger at me. I tried to dodge, but it grazed my waist. I half turned and half stepped back, toward the door, crying out in pain, feeling the warm blood seep through my white shirt, and stick it to the wound.

So she was fast, and deadly.

She was moving way faster than I was moving, off-script and involuntary, ready to grab me and knock me out. I tried to move as fast as her, aiming my blows in fatal areas, though she kept avoiding me, slashing at me, forming cuts. I'd be overpowered soon enough, so I did the only thing I could think of.

I started aiming my cuts at her clothes, hoping to shred them enough so the crystal would fall out. I managed a hit on her waist, creating a thin red line that began to bleed, just not as badly as I had hoped. She grew angry, and used that for her to be more precise, grazing scars that had already formed from previous fights. I was losing, badly.

She raised her dagger again, and I moved my sword to block this time, instead of taking a hit. When our weapons clanged, I could feel something was wrong. An energy began to build in the room, and when I looked at her daggers, they seemed to be glowing. As my sword collided with her daggers, they flashed with power and energy. I blinked, taken off guard. She used my distraction to place a very well aimed stab to my arm, dropping my sword, I yelled in pain. I heard my sword clatter to the ground, and I fell as well. "You suck," I managed to get out, before closing my eyes. 'You need pressure!' My mind screamed, before I felt the explosion. Energy came off in droves from our weapons, knocking the girl back. I gasped, my brain simply not computing. What the heck was going on?

Noticing her distraction at the weapons, I tore off a sleeve from my jacket and wrapped the wound. Then I moved on to my other cuts, using the jacket as material.

She looked up and met my very panicked eyes, the same emotion flashing in hers. I couldn't help but notice how much I ruined her dress, and a bit of remorse worked its way into my head. What if she needed this crystal in exchange for her life? She looked around again.

I scanned the floors, seeing it lying on the soft carpet, it's glow pulsing at the same time as our weapons, the energy.

I grabbed it and discreetly put it in my pocket. Then, she looked back at me and spoke.

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