Update: He's Annoying -- Atlas

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"I don't know what or who you are but I've already made too much of mess," I admitted, putting my daggers away. Everything, from the dirt brown walls to the cheap tan carpet pulsed with light. My head was so disoriented I hadn't even realized how damaged my dress was when I went to put my daggers back. This was a really nice dress. Damn.

"It could have been cleaner if you just handed over the crystal from the beginning." The little thief said. He was still painful to look at, with his aura, it was too hard to concentrate on anything. There was, however, something in his pocket, pulsing wildly but with my vision malfunctioning like this, I couldn't trust anything I saw. The best way to go about this was to turn off the brightness.

I closed my eyes and relaxed again, letting the normalcy of human eye site adjust to my surroundings. When I opened my eyes again, everything was as it should be. I could actually see the thief, not just his basic features.

"Like I would give up something that valuable." I scoffed at him. "In the long run, I won the fight, so thank you, little thief, for playing along." I grinned and before he would ever have the chance to catch me, I bolted down the hall. My feet pounded the carpet while my arms pumped in sync with my body, my hands were clenched so tight, my knuckles were white. I really needed this money. Just the thought of it brought a warm smile to my lips.


My whole body slammed into an invisible wall. I could hear a few cracks ring out from my body. Bones and ribs splintered under the force. It was so abrupt, my mind was struggling to catch up. I fell onto my back and let out a very loud moan of pain. Everything hurt. My arms, my legs, the cut on my stomach. I rather just fall into the sleep that kept pulling at me than get up and run. I hated my choice with every aching bone in my body.

I strained my arms and pushed myself up. I am so pathetic. I hissed at myself over and over, trying to dull the pain with some refreshing negativity. I thankfully thought it better not to think about anything when I stood up fully. Which was a good move, but everything screamed even worse than it before.

"Fuck," I grunted, straightening out my back. I double checked I had all my bones and limbs before going at it again. I had broken my left arm but that didn't matter, what did, was my way out.

I looked behind me and saw the little thief standing where I left him, grinning as if he had won the lottery. I set his peculiar behavior to the side and put in a pin it for a later. My first objective was getting out of here. So I ran into the force again.


And again.


And again.


I wasn't getting anywhere. I kept running head first into a very rude wall. I was extremely annoyed, and the thought of the money this gem would fetch no longer put a smile on my face. So, instead of running, I simply walked up and touched it.

Boom! Then a whoosh! And a great big oof!

I flew farther than what was natural. It was like someone was physically throwing me back from my sweet freedom. Which I really didn't need right now. But it seemed my luck turned up a little. My fall didn't hurt half as badly as it did the other four times.

An inaudible grunt came from underneath me. I slowly looked down and found a pair of legs that I was pretty sure didn't belong to me. Ooo, I also found a hand, and a torso, and a chest, which I was sitting on. Put those together parts together and I get human.

"Get off," It mumbled. I was a little confused about who's chest I was sitting on due to the lack of intelligence that wafted off it but I eventually got the clue.

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