Fell stormed out of the pub with his face burning red and swear words silently escaping his mouth. His red sneakers stomped the icy snow and left huge footprints behind on purpose. The skeleton was practically radiating anger, and every monster in Underfell kept a careful distance away, even though they knew that surely his fury wasn’t directed at them.
“HEY!” a voice shouted from behind him. Fell didn’t even had the time to turn around when his body was spun around quite roughly by another monster.Now, if it had been anybody else, Fell would have shoved them clean off and left their bleeding bodies to freeze in the unforgiving cold to die. But as soon as he registered who it was, he meekly placed his hands in the pockets of his jacket and avoided eye contact.
“WHAT. THE HELL. WAS. THAT?!” Sans shouted each and every word like he was deaf. He too, seemed to be very pissed off at someone.
Fell didn’t think before he spat out a response.
“Why don’t you go ask that fire asshole to see if he has an answer for ya.” Fell shrugged.
Sans couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Just a second ago, they were both sitting in Underfell Grillby's and enjoying a double order of burgs. His conversation with the bartender had just lasted a few seconds when Fell snapped at Grillby out of the blue. And then suddenly both of them were shouting at each other and Fell stormed out like a child having a temper tantrum.
“What the hell, Fell?! What’s wrong with you?! We were just enjoying ourselves when-”
“Oh, what’s wrong with ME?!” Fell shouted back, raising his voice to match his. This is getting worse by the second.
Fell didn’t know what to think. His hands were sweaty even though he had no gloves on in the cold. His mind was dizzy from the sudden change of situation and atmosphere. The skeleton didn’t know what to do, let alone what to say next. But, the one thing that he knew is that he’s very very very pissed.
“He was hitting on you for God’s SAKE!” Fell shouted at Sans. “Didn’t you SEE the way he fucking laughed and made jokes with you?! He never does that to anyone in this goddam place!” he continued to shout. He couldn’t help himself. Every ounce of anger was starting to burst out and it was all being directed at Sans.
“So?!” Sans shouted back. “Why the hell would YOU care if he was flirting or just making polite small talk with me?!” Sans teleported them both deeper inside Snowdin's forest so that nobody could hear or see their conversation.
Also so that he could have some time alone with him-
Sans shook his head, trying to focus on the argument they were having instead of the fact that they’re standing so close to each other that they were almost touching, alone in the dark forest-
“DON’T YOU GET IT?!” Fell's sudden voice boomed, jolting him back into reality even though Sans would be perfectly fine with spending the whole day staring at him-
Staring at his goddam gorgeous face and body-
“Am I missing something?” Sans asked quietly after a period of silence between them.
Fell looked away.
The moment he blurted that out, his bony hands came flying out of his pockets to cover up his mouth, as if that could stop the words from being heard by anyone.
His face heated up and flooded with colour. The skeleton quickly turned away and pulled up his hood to hide his embarrassment.
Before he could even teleport away, Fell felt a fist grab his fluffy jacket, and before he knew it, they were tumbling into a pile of soft snow, grasping onto each other before realising what was happening.
Fell felt two arms reach around him to pull them closer together. His soul was doing flip flops in his ribcage and his cheeks were getting redder by each passing second.
Sans opened his eye sockets, unaware that he had closed them in the first place. He fixated his pupils on Fell who lay underneath him on the snow, and tried to stifle a laugh when he saw that his cheeks were glowing with a bright crimson colour. Sans leaned forward and kissed him on the lips softly.
“If you get to be selfish, than I can be selfish too.”

Sanscest One-shots
Fiksi PenggemarYay! My first book! So, yeah this is a one-shot book of all of my favourite sanscest ships. To be completely honest, I didn't really like sanscest when i first discovered this in the fandom, but, as i continued to explore all the fanarts and stories...