Chapter 10

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Nope, that wasn't the end! If you actually read these author notes you would know that silly people! It's coming to an end, but the sequel will be up a day after I finish this story! This chapter might be kinda long!



Alex's POV:

I watched Luke fall to the floor, but before I could react I was being thrown over my dad's shoulder. He took off running, and after standing there in shock for a little, the boys followed. I was screaming as loud as I could, but my fa- no, he's not my father. He's just Mike, a disgusting, worthless man. Anyways, Mike had my legs held tight so I couldn't kick. I saw the boys slowing down, like the had no hope in catching me, but then came Luke. He was running faster than I had ever seen him. He's going to make it! I'm going to be okay! Mike was slowing down, oh my gosh. I'm going home! But then I heard a car door being opened and I was thrown inside. I didn't even have enough time to move before the door was shut and locked. Seconds later we were pulling away as Luke tugged on the handle. He obviously wouldn't be able to open it, but I kept screaming his name hoping it might help somehow. But it didn't and Mike sped off. I began sobbing uncontrollably until something hit me, hard. Everything went black.

"Luke," I whispered as I slowly opened my heavy eyes. I looked around droggily, but was in an unfamiliar room. I tried blinking a couple times, rubbing my eyes, even pinching myself, but I was really here. But, what exactly is this place? I tried to stand, but my body didn't move. I then noticed the ropes attaching me to a chair. My dress was gone, I now wore some worn out sweats and a baggy t-shirt. That bastard had undressed me.

I studied my surroundings. There wasn't much. Actually, there was nothing but me and a door. I started freaking out, I was never good in these situations. I started squirming around, trying to get out, but it was pointless. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed as loud as I could, and seconds later Mike stormed into the room. "Shut your mouth if you want to survive." he said inches away from my face. I spat at him in return. "You shouldn't have done that." He said calmly before leaving the room. He came back with a needle. As he approached me I tried to move, but I was only able to knock the chair over. He towered over me and stabbed the needle in, injecting some sort of burning liquid. I tried screaming but they soon went silent, everything did. My senses started slipping away. My body went numb. My mouth went dry. My sight was slowly fading. I stared at my dad with pure disgust, and I actually found a little pain in his eyes. "Daddy, please help me." I tried to say but felt nor heard anything. But, by the tears forming in his eyes, I knew he heard. Finally, I completely slipped away from life. Goodbye Luke..

Luke's POV:

I have stayed in my room for a week. The house was constantly quiet. I just layed there staring at the ceiling hoping I would hear the front foor open and Alex enter yelling "Babe, what's for dinner?" like she always did. I missed her. I just want her back.

I heard the door open and shot up. "Al?" "Nope, just Jai." I walked to the living room to see my brother standing there looking at me with sad eyes. "We can't find her." I looked at him with disbelief. "But, you told me you would? You said that we always get her back! Where is she Jai!" He tried to give me a hug but I just shoved him away. "No, you're a liar! " "Luke, I was just being hopeful! I never promised anything." "Get out. Just get out. I want to be alone." "You've been alone for a week Luke! You won't even talk to your own twin brother. What happened to being in this together.. fo- forever?" His voice cracked when he said forever as he began crying. My heart sank. "Just leave Jai." He looked at me like I had just shot him, but didn't dispute. As soon as the door was closed I broke down. I just want my wife back.

Alex's POV:

I heard loud banging. It wasn't close, but it wasn't that far away. I heard yelling, but the words were forming too slow to comprehend. I heard shuffling around in the next room over. What is going on? There was a loud crash, like a door being broken down. Then many foot steps. My eyes opened and I was still in the same room. The feeling in my body was slowly coming back. Suddenly the door to the room swung open and police officer entered. "You're safe now Alex." He walked over to me and cut the rops away. I went to stand but my knees collapsed. The cop caught me, and then picked me up. He carried me out to the next room and a lady stood there. "Bring her across the hall to my apartment." she said quietly. The cop obeyed. He followed her into the apartment, then into a small room a layed me on the bed. "Can someone tell me what's going on?" I said. "Alex, your father has been arrested for years of abuse, and now drugging you. You are safe now. You will be staying with this woman until you are healthy again." the cop finished with a small smile. I just fell asleep.

**Two weeks later**

"I am so happy you're feeling 100% better!" Leslie said, smiling. Leslie was the woman I had been staying with. "Me too." I smiled back. Truth be told, yes I was physically healthy again, but mentally I was fucked. I was depressed, and I felt disgusted with myself. My arms were covered in cuts and scars. I constantly wore long sleeves, telling Les I was just cold, she bought it. "Well, I have work. I will take you home tonight." "Okay, thank you."

Okay this is it. The moment I had been waiting for. I had convinced her I was perfectly okay, she left me alone at the house for once. This was my only chance. I walked into the kitchen and opened the silverware drawer. I pulled out the biggest, sharpest knife she owned. I then walked to the desk and wrote a message on a post-it and stuck it on the fridge. It read: "Leslie, thanks for everything. I'm sorry." I then walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I had to call Luke.

Luke's POV:

I lay in the same spot. Just staring. My mind was blank. I felt dead. Then the loud ringing of my phone caught my attention. I picked it up to see it was Alex. "Alex! Babe i've missed you so much! Are you okay?" "I've missed you too Lukey, i'm physically okay, yes. My dad got arrested." "Physically okay? What about.. mentally?" She took a deep shaky breath. "Luke listen. I love you so much, and we've been together for 3 years. The best 3 years of my life. But, I can't put you through any more pain." "Al, we're married. You can't just leave me." "I'm not just leaving you. I'm leaving everyone." "What are you talking about!?" I practically screamed. "No Al, don't say that. Don't do it please! I need you. I fucking need you more than you can imagine, just please tell me where you are. I'll come get you. It'll all be okay!" "No Luke. I'm positive I want to do this." "You don't want to! What about our life together? Do you know how many people you are hurting!?"  "I'm sorry Luke. I love you." "ALEXANDRA ROSE BROOKS. DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING DO THIS." The line went dead. "No! Alex no!" I tried to keep calling, but it kept going straight to voicemail. I felt sick. I couldn't breathe. She can't do this.


And that, my loves. Concludes Escape. There is a sequel in the making! I'll keep you posted.

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