Chapter 5: The Tertiary Control Room

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When Y/N stepped through the 'door' of his crashed TARDIS, he wasn't exactly sure what he was expecting.

The finer details of the state of the timeship had somewhat eluded him before: the post-regeneration trauma - which by now had all but subsided - had blended everything together into a hazzy mirrage of indecernible white, black and red as he staggered out, choking for breath. Now though, as he stepped over a great pile of shattered glass, Y/N was able to fully appreciate the horror story set out before him.

Marble coloured walls lay bent, dented, some curving inwards with a still present creaking, whilst others had collapsed entirely, laying bare the complex inner workings of the TT-Capsule. Uprooted cables and discarded floor panels spat spittles of sparks at the Time Lord, settling on his dirtied, oversized black shoes with a fizzle. Y/N gave a sad sigh as he gave the console of the TARDIS a comforting stroke, gazing with sad [E/C] eyes at its state.

Whilst before the only noticeable problem was a smoking dematerialisation circuit, it was clear that the effects of punching through the Gallifreyan Transduction Barrier (which separated the planet from the rest of space-time), coupled with major damage from the unstable flames of his regeneration, had cascaded into the destruction laid out before him. Briefly, the thought of an old Academy teacher came to mind, speaking of the dangers of interference, and the butterfly effect that followed. 'If there ever was an example to use,' mused Y/N to himself, mirthlessly, 'here it is.'

The time rotor was broken, cracked and shattered, the upper three-quarters of it currently digging into the soles of his feet, and the part that remained sat pathetically on top of the ruined control console. A dial, hanging out of the console like - rather grimly - an eyeball from a socket, brushed briefly against the skin on the back of Y/N's hand, leaving a noticeable, but minor scratch.

The Dematerialisation Systems Panel, one of the six that made up the console, took the brunt of the damage, virtually gone aside from a few, tentacle like tubes and the scaffolding-like internal skeleton. Bending down, you stared into the exposed base of the console, and reached a hand in, plucking out a fist-sized block of circuitry, a tube filled with red fluid affixed to the top. The Heart of the TARDIS. Or, the Main Space-Time Element, depending on your perspective.

Pursing his lips, Y/N tossed and turned the Heart around in his hand, examining it, occasionally waving his sonic screwdriver to check its systems. 'Damaged,' he admitted, 'but salvageable.' Sliding it into his lower-most pocket, he stood back up, leaning over the console when he heard a faint (to human ears, anyway) crackling just to his right. Peering over, his eyes widened briefly, a small smile slowly broke into a grin. "Oh you beautiful thing." He muttered, not sure if it was to him or to the TARDIS itself. Sliding across the console, he stopped at the TARDIS Scanner embedded into it. Its screen was almost broken, a web of cracks unfolding from a central point in its top left corner. "Right then, first thing's first, quick systems diagnostic check." Muttered Y/N to himself, quickly typing the command into the scanner. The screen flickered black for a moment, and for a second or two the Time Lord worried that he had broken it, but soon text slowly, but surely, began appearing on the screen, occasionally glitching as he strained to read it.

This is what it said:



Time and Relative Dimension in Space

Build Site: Gallifrey Blackhole Shipyards

Type 50 Build Date: 92018

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