Chapter 6: Welcome to Beacon

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The first day at Beacon had finally came. Enormous airships, their white forms gleaming as they caught the sun, growled loudly as they descended towards their landing zone: a metallic perch, suspended over a massive cliff. An airship docked with the cliff, flopping its platform down onto it wish a harsh clank. Inside, a blond boy hurled the contents of his stomach into the bin. The passengers departed from the aircraft, and - gossiping and mingling amongst each other - made their way up the cobble pathway. In awe, all of the students of Beacon looked up towards the hulking form of the academy, standing like a palace against the white cloud.

All, that is, except for one particular student. A fair ways away, there was a scratchy groaning, and a shape emerged out of the nothingness. In a nanosecond, the timeship analysed all of its surroundings: everything in a thousand mile radius was converted into a twelve-dimensional datamap, and determined which outer shell would blend in best with the environment. Like a waterfall seeping through a narrow crack, the shape changed, becoming taller, sleaker. The groaning began to grow quieter, and the ethereal shape of the object began to take physical form. It was a lamp post, though admittedly with quite a thick base. With a thud, it grounded itself, now no different to the countless over lamp posts around it. There was a metallic creaking from behind, and soon a boy stepped out from a hidden hatch around the back of the light fixture. The boy, [Y/H] feet tall, with [H/C] hair, stepped out from the rear of the timeship, and carefully closed the door, which locked itself as soon as it closed.

Pulling a/an [F/C] overcoat over their [Outfit], he turned around, smoothed the creases on his clothing, and began making his way towards Beacon.

"Well," Y/N thought aloud to himself, "the name's definitely accurate, so they get points for that." True to its name, Beacon Academy peeked out over the hill up which Y/N was making his way towards it. His ears tingled as a faint, but noticable crash resounded from the walkway just a little bit up. Jogging up it to get a good vantage point, the Time-Lord-In-Hiding squinted his eyes as he looked downwards about fifty metres away. Two humans (as he had learned, though another species existed on this planet), one floored and the other standing, arguing with each other. Well, more like a one-sided argument, as the one standing up was more-or-less just shouting at the darker figure below them, though you were too far to make out what was said.

Furrowing his brow, Y/N began descending the hill, making his way towards the pair.

There was a loud bang, and a bright red explosion, which caused Y/N to suddenly jump back and fall on his rear in surprise. As the dust cleared away, Y/N could see the two figures - likely two girls, considering the skirts(?) - much clearer. The one on the right, covered in ash, quickly shook it off, and positively screamed at the girl in red (who seemed oddly familiar, now that he thought about it), who seemed to be retorting back. About to step in, you were beaten to it by a newcomer to the argument: a rather monochrome girl, dressed in mostly white, with long raven hair, crowned with a little black bow. You gave a cautious sniff. She smelt different to the other two girls. Strange, you'll have to investigate that later.

The raven haired girl said something to the angry one, who was so wearing such bright white clothing it gave you a headache, and she looked proud, head turned up and arms folded behind her back. The newcomer continued, and that pride quickly deflated, turning into anger, frustration, and eventually, the pale girl furiously stormed off towards Beacon, and soon the girl with the bow slowly walked off in the opposite direction. "Looks like that whole ordeal was resolved, then." Y/N shrugged to himself. Ah well, there's always next time.

He paused, however, when he saw the girl sink to the ground in despair, flopping onto her back. A flood of memories coursed through Y/N's mind, of a lonely childe sitting alone on countless Gallifreyan nights, never with a friend or a helping hand to pull them back up. Resolving himself then and there, the Time Lord took a deep breath, and turned back, walking towards the downed girl.

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