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Minjee and I talked for a while. I made up various stories from when I went to school, making it seem better and funnier than it really was. She, too, had been taken out at a young age.

"Do you think you'll get adopted, Yoongi?"

I sighed, "No. I'm not going to get adopted. I'm too old. Nobody wants a seventeen-year-old."

"Don't tell yourself that!" She exclaimed. I can't tell her the actual probability of me getting adopted. There's just no way but I won't tell her that. She is almost eleven, almost the age I was when I was taken here. I began to fear her fate. Then again, she is a girl. Girls are adopted more often. even the older ones.

"Minjee... okay. Maybe I'll get adopted someday." I plastered a grin on my face. each word I spoke felt like a million knives being thrust into my chest. I knew I was lying to her, not to myself, and I felt bad. But, she's just a young child. She doesn't know any other.

"I hope you get a good family. You're really nice. You deserve a good one! With a really nice brother like mine! Or even a girlfriend, you never know." She giggled.

"Minjee, sweetie, I'm gay." I chuckled. it always feels good to laugh, even though it doesn't happen very often.

"'Really!?" She seemed to get excited at the mention of my sexuality.


"Jiminie is, too!" She laughed and swayed side to side happily but then her face turned sad, "I really miss him, Yoongi. When I get out of here, I'm gonna find him! I know I can! If you see him before I do, will you tell him that I said hi?"

I doubted I would ever meet her brother, much less anyone after I leave here. If anything I'll be meeting everyone else in hell because I guess I'm going there for liking boys. I once again lied to Minjee but she wouldn't know:

"Of course I will."

She smiled in satisfaction.

"It's getting late, you should try to sleep, Yoongi. Good night~" She said and hopped off the mattress. I hummed in response.

"Night, Minjee." I waved goodbye as she exited my room. I laid back and sighed. Talking to her did make me feel a little lighter. She's really sweet. I feel immensely bad for her, though- her mother just gave her up. Does her brother and father even know she's here? I would have thought that her father would have came and got her if he did know.

I shut my door and took off my shirt, flopping back down onto my bed. I hated being able to see my own ribs. i am just too skinny. My stomach churned and I groaned.

My nose always clogs up when I lay down. Fuck my life, haha.

I stared out at the stars and was hit with a sudden and overwhelming sense of loneliness. It sounds chiché to me, almost. But, I can't help the feeling.

My throat got tight and the tears began to spill once again. Why- Why am I like this? I cry so much; It's patheitc.

I know I'm probably boring you greatly. I do apologize, once again. Nothing is going to get better for you- so just stop reading now. I'll jump off a fucking cliff or something so then you don't have to read anymore.

Nobody likes a pity party.

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