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I stared over at Jimin in disbelief. He had treated me to a nice "dinner" so we were just sitting here in the booth waiting for our check. I'm very thankful that he was nice enough to buy me food. I haven't had real food since I was probably... Like... Five? I can't remember.

"You okay, Yoongi?"

"That's... That's the woman who runs the orphanage! That scheming bitch! I knew there was something off about her!" Anger suddenly began to boil in my blood. I had glanced up at the TV which was playing the late night news when I noticed Miriam's picture. "There's a warrant for her arrest! Jimin, we have to go! We have to call the police!" I stood up hurriedly and ran over to the counter. The lady had been watching us from afar the whole time.

"Can I use your phone?" I asked. The lady nodded and let me behind the counter. Jimin walked up behind me, still looking confused. I have close to zero social skills so talking to a 911 operator sounds great... The line rung for a few moments before a woman answered, asking what my emergency was.

"Um, that lady on the n-news." I accidentally stuttered, "The woman who took the kids- Miriam Puckett- I know who she is- where she is."

"Okay, honey, calm down a little. I can sense you're nervous. Can you tell me your location? I'm going to send some officers down there right now to talk to you. Is that okay? Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes. I'm okay. Um," I handed the phone over to Jimin so he could give her the address. I tapped my foot patiently. I continued to watch the program which talked more about her and the things she's done. I can't believe I've never seen this before. It's been so many years...

"Holy shit! Jimin!" I shouted and Jimin just about jumped out of his skin, startled by my sudden outburst. "Look at that! There's a ransom! I've never seen that big of a number in my life!"

"What are you talking about?" He asked, hanging up the phone, "The officers are on their way."

"Look!" I grabbed his face and made him look at the screen.

"Holy shit!"

"I know right! I could buy, like, a house with that money!" I don't know a lot about prices and money so I thought of the most expensive thing I could.

"Hun, you could buy probably a whole dealership of G-Wagons with that money plus a house." Jimin's eyes were stuck on the screen. Do I get that money...? I'm the one who turned her in so... Yeah? There's no way. I was about to jump off a bridge just an hour ago and now I'm here about to get the woman who tortured me all throughout my childhood arrested! Maybe I am dead? Maybe this is all a crazy hallucination?

"Yoongi! You're going to be a multi-millionaire!"

"Minjee isn't going to believe it. She thinks I got adopted today. I didn't want to tell her I was getting released." I frowned a little, not as phased by the money as I thought I would be. I can't accept that money. I can't quite literally go from rags to riches in one day. I just happen to know a woman who's been under manhunt for years.

"God, I miss her. I can't believe my own mother did that! I don't know what I'm going to do. But, wait, you're eighteen, right?" I nodded. "I forgot where I was going with that but anyways, I need to see her. I need to get her out of there. What's going to happen to all the kids there?"

"They'll hopefully go to a better home." I sighed, wishing the best for those kids.

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