the realization

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"oh no Tara please don't aaaaah " He woke up terrifled at the sound of the phone

he Held on to the phone and look at the bright screen with the name of the little wolf " liam"

what could liam want from me he asked him self before Press the answer button

" hey Theo "liam said hesitantly "it's me liam Dunbar"
"hey liam, yeah I know "
He was panting as if he was running for the past 3 days without stop

" Theo are you ok " liam said worriedly
" I am fine I was running for awhile " Theo said trying to control his breathing " me and Mason and some of our friends are going to a club and we thought you would want to hang out with us "

Theo thought deeply and deeply if he spend more time with the young man he might find a way to keep him out of his way

"yeah of course why not " Theo said Trying to appear enthusiastic

Theo dressed in a black T-shirt, Black tight jeans and Leather Jacket and then headed down stairs to his truck and drove to the address liam sent to him

at Mason's
"liam stop complaining and wear something casual and simple it's not this complicate " " no it's complicate I don't have any propper clothes I am gonna call him and apologize "
" don't dare to, he should be near the club already by now we need to hurry "

" fine" liam said while dressing in a casual clothes Mason gave him

*at the club*
The sound of the loud music loosened the tension of Liam, who was looking for Theo with his eyes all over the club until his eyes fell on the boy who looked like one of the goddesses of Greece
liam spent the next 10 min apologizing for being late and admiring theo's appearance

"hey handsome " said Brett while handing theo a drink
" you are satomi's beta Brett Talbot right" said theo with a smirk on his face

"and you are theo raeken the new were wolf right "

" you know we can't get drunk right? "
" yeah but it makes you feel dizzy Make you in a better mood and feel some lack of concentration" Bret said while taking asip from his drink theo did the same and they started talking about random things in beackon hills and the conversation get to liam's lED

theo drew brett to talk about Liam and Brett's information was more than enough to let theo know Liam needed someone to treat him like a prince What happened to him was not a little compared to his age Face the divorce of his parents and bullying and other problems because of anger like getting kicked out from your school

" so the plan is being his friend and treating him good until I found a way to get between him and his alpha "theo told him self

liam wasn't happy
he came here to spend time with theo to get to know him better but instead theo spent the whole night flirting with Brett and thanks to the music he can't hear what they are talking about

"just go and speak with him , he won't bite you I swear" Mason told liam

"I can't he is speaking with that son of bitch Brett "

"go and ask him if he wanted to dance or have another drink or if he was having fun or just try to be normal and get into the conversation with them"

"it's not that fucking easy "" what if he really started to like Brett""I might kill them both "

" liam calm down and go talk to them and I will find my self someone to talk to "mason said while looking in Corey's direction he knows Corey from the lacrosse exercise when he watched liam

"hey guys, theo are you OK do you want to dance have a drink or anything else" liam said while ignoring Brett ,theo thought that liam is trying to be nice to him becous he is new in the town
" no I am fine and Brett is a good company " theo said while shooting A very cute smile on Brett's direction

liam's heart was full of jealousy and anger and Theo noticed that
"liam are you OK ""your eyes are shifting "theo said with a worried tune bec liam looked like he might kill someone right now
"do you want to go home" theo asked liam and liam wouldn't waste that chance he could get theo away from Brett
"yes please could you drive me, I think Mason is busy and I don't want to ruin his night "
"yeah ofcourse ""see you around Brett"

*in theo's truck*
"thanks for driving me and sorry for ruining your night "
"no it's OK I was bored already "
"really, I mean you seemed happy talking to Brett "
and then the smell of jealousy filled the car that's when theo realized
that liam liked him
and that when he realized that he don't need somting to break the bond between Scott and liam becous he can be that thing himself

I knew this chapter is short but the
next will be longer
Enjoy and if you found any mistake don't hesitate to tell me

By the way
Derek is the cutest creature

Enjoy your life

the beauty and the chimera *thiam*Where stories live. Discover now