me and you

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liam and theo have been dating since 6 months they became close to each other and the pack has accepted theo as a friend ,actually he and Corey  are  close friends

liam was going to graduate liam had always wanted to travel out of b. H study in such a good college in California he always wanted to study history

but theo was different theo was doing a good gob in his life in b.h he was accepted in Derek's pack he was helping him and Elena keep all the packs on the area under control due to the armistice between  derek and the hunters Derek have to make sure that the supernatural creatures wont harm humans and Monroe would stop hunting and killing them

alone Derek can't do it he need theo and Elena and issac by his side
it was so complecated, theo and liam should have that talk but they were afraid

theo never wanted to prevent liam from running after his dreams but he couldn't let Elena and Derek alone or disappoint them they were his pack and he loved them

also liam wanted to run after his dreams but he didn't want to take such an important thing from theo, he came on the first place to b. H searching for a pack and now he has a pack liam wouldn't take it from him

and they decided that may be they would do that long distance thing after all liam could stay away from his mate for a few weeks it wasn't a real issue or that what he thought

Derek sent theo on a mission to another country only for 2 or 3 weeks some packs was harming the innocent people and theo have to teach them a lesson

liam thought he could take it, it's only a few weeks but no,  he was calling theo every 2hours but it wasn't enough liam couldn't sleep at the first night he left his house and went to theo's apartment and opened the door with the spare key ignored the teenager in the coush and went to theo's room he wear his clothes and surrounded him self with theos sent it wasn't enough but better than nothing

for theo it was harder he don't have any of liam's clothes or belongings or an apartment with liam 's scent every where he was suffering emotionally and physically his wolf needs any sight of his mate or he is going to kill someone

"hey Derek, please don't be mad at me but I can't do it, I am sorry I am coming back to b.h "

"of course u can't do it a mated werewolf can't stay away from his mate for days not weeks theo, and of course u can come back "

" if u know that I wouldn't stand it why did u send me "

" Elena thought that u and ur mate need asmall lesson " Derek said and laughed and theo hung up with Derek and went to pack his things to leave

at theo's house liam was loosing his mind theo had called him prior 15 min and said he was coming back and liam wanted to make him something to eat of course he will be starving because liam hadn't eat a proper meal since theo left he thought that it was the same to theo
he cooked the most food he knew theo love and waited for his mate in the bedroom

when theo was back it was late
when he entered his apartment he couldn't catch the sight of Nolan instead he heard liam's heart beats he ran to the room and there he was .
his boy friend made him such an amazing dinner

and was waiting for him dressed in theo's clothes he felt asleep while waiting for himtheo pulled back his tears liam was so romantic and lovely he never failed on surprising theo with his kindness

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and was waiting for him dressed in theo's clothes he felt asleep while waiting for him

theo pulled back his tears liam was so romantic and lovely he never failed on surprising theo with his kindness

" liam sweetheart wake up "theo whispered into liam's ear

" theo you are back " liam shouted excitedly and hugged theo so tight that if he was a human he would die

" theo I missed u so much " liam's voice was so weak like he was crying or something

" liam what's wrong with ur voice u were crying weren't u " theo kissed his forehead and looked at his blue eyes

that when he figured it out
he can't stay away from liam for days not for weeks or months

"no no I am fine "

" if u want to lie to your chimera mate  u should try better "
" I think we need to talk, theo now I knew I don't want to stay away from u we can't do that long distance thing and u can't leave beckon hills so I think I am staying with u "

" no liam u r not staying in b. h this is not fair we are going to were u want to study I want  you to go to college too and I will be working with Derek from their, I think I will be always travelling between California and b. h I also.. "

" but theo u c... "

"sshhhh liam don't interrupt me, as I was saying I sold some of the dread doctors stuff since they all were written on my name and I have a good amount of money I think I am gonna open acafe so I could earn money and concentrate with Derek without getting away from u "

" th.. theoo I love u sooo much " liam hugged theo and started crying on his shoulder

" come on baby wolf, I see that u prepared my fav food and  I am starving '
" yeah I thought you will be so hungry when u are back " he said then kissed theo's cheeck and headed to the food on the table to get theo a plate of his fav meal then he grabbed the fork and started feeding him by himself

*liam's pov*
when I woke up I was alone and naked in theo's bed I panicked a little until the events of the last night started to come back to me I was feeding theo then we made out a little then😶😶........ OK that is not important now I hate to wake up alone when I am not supposed to

" theo.... theo " I shouted while trying to find the clothes I was wearing yesterday when I found the sweatpants I went out to search for theo
he was sitting with Nolan and he was shirtless I felt the anger all over my skin I went inside and grabbed his sweatshirt
" do u mind putting something on u sir " I said angerily
he started laughing along with Nolan until their were breathless

* after a few months *
liam graduated from high school and he was preparing him self to travel to college with theo ,theo had been preparing his cafe and their new life their in California since that night he wanted to make sure that every thing liam had ever dreamed of in his college life will be Canoned he wanted to keep his promise and give liam every thing he could

"see u soon honey " elena said then hugged theo in a permanent good buy hug any way she will be seeing him next week

then she did the same to liam while theo was hugging Derek and isac then liam and theo both hugged Nolan so tight
Nolan was going to stay with Derek since Elena offered him aproper job with her
they climbed to theo's truck and headed to California

" liam r u happy, is there any thing I can do " theo asked after they were 20 metres away from the pack
and liam didn't answer him because he was asleep and snoring on the passenger seat theo looked at him he looked so peaceful and he smiled * that smile *

OK guys this book meant so much for me and it's so hard to just put an and for it I think their is still another chapter and this is over thank u for reading this if u liked it vote because it's nice to know that people like what u r doing 😍😍😍S...

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OK guys this book meant so much for me and it's so hard to just put an and for it I think their is still another chapter and this is over thank u for reading this if u liked it vote because it's nice to know that people like what u r doing
Stay happy and safe

the beauty and the chimera *thiam*Where stories live. Discover now