writer notes 😍😍😍

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hey this is not a chapter unfortunally but the chapter is coming after minute but I want to explain somethings

OK so  I am planning to change things from the show  now like starting to make my own events
so their won't be any supernatural any more I am going to like delete the ghost riders at least until now
also Scott and stiles and malia and Lydia are leaving earlier to college in my book
I think they will check on liam and leave but stiles will come from time to time for his dad and Derek

also I am adding a new characters of my own

also I am adding a new characters of my own

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Anna hathaway as Elena

she is a new graduated doctor she is Derek's new beta but their bond is strong like liam and Scott she is younger than Derek by 2 years she works at beacen hills hospital with Melissa but as a doctor not anurse
she has a good relation ship with liam and his pack and Peter and the rest of the alive Hale
she has a tensioned relationship with Scott and the old back which doesn't affect her relation ship with Melissa and argent chris

she is really protective when it comes to stiles or Derek

The new chapter is coming after min and I think u are gonna like it
Stay safe and be happy 😘😘

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