me and you forever

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*after 5 years *
liam graduated from college and was working as a history teacher he and Theo were happy and satisfied with their lives

but lately theo was acting weird he was coming home late and treating liam like he was made of glass and trying to help in the house work
although he never liked doing house work and always smells a verey weird smell liam tried to convince him self that it's not another man's smell

that night they ate dinner and liam went to wash the dishes and Theo followed him to the sank

"it's OK sweetheart I will do them " liam looked at him like he was an alien and throws the dish he was washing on the ground
his eyes were glowing  with anger and full of tears

"this has to stop right now " liam screamed and tears started to fall down his cheeks

"what's wrong with you honey are you OK " Theo said while he cupped liam's cheeks in his hands

liam pushed him away hardly
"don't dare to touch me Theo I hate you "
"what the hell liam , what's wrong with you "

"nothing it's just that my mate is cheating on me and i can't take it any more "

"what the hell liam what gave you that crazy idea I would never cheat on you " Theo now was screaming too but not from anger mostly from the surprise

"really Theo You want me to believe you and lie all my senses Theo I can smell him on you all the time and i can feel that you are acting weird with me it's so oblivious "

Theo did not answer him just pulled his arm and dragged him to the truck
"what the hell are doing "

"liam climb to the truck please "

Theo drove them to An abandoned house

liam gave him A confused look "where the hell are we "

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liam gave him A confused look "where the hell are we "

"cmon I will explain every thing for you "
they walked to the door of the house and Theo stopped suddenly

"liam when we enter this door I will explain everything for you but firstly I need you to answer me
do you really think that I would cheat on you "

"I don't know I really don't know I can't take it you always smell like someone else and it drove me crazy I can't imagine someone else touching you " liam was crying and his face was full of tears theo hugged him so tight and then walked to the door and opened it with a key

he and liam entered the house it was full of laborers and the house smells the same smell Theo have been smelling like for 2 weeks

"liam this is Derek's house the argent burned it from 2 years as they thought Derek was in it, he gave it to me before 2 weeks and I started preparing it to be a real house "

"why would Derek give you ahouse and why didn't you tell me "

"because......... -he leaned down on his knees and pulled out a red box from his pocket - because I wanted to marry you in a proper house, liam Dunbar will you marry me "

liam started screaming excitidly and tears were all over his face he hugged Theo so tight that the chimera wasn't able to breath

" I am the worse fiancé in the world, you were planning Our eternal life and I was doubting your love for me,  I am SO sorry "

Theo and liam got married and spent the rest of their lives happy although  they lost control of things from time to time but great Love always triumphs over small conflicts

After a long time, the problems that seemed to be huge at that time seemed to be nothing now

*author's note *
Oh my God u can't believe that this is the end thus story have been apart of me since one month really thank you for reading it and sorry if my weak English language have been bothering you
If you loved this and enjoyed it vote because it's really nice to know that people loves your work and really thanks for reading this

*another important author's note*
This is my first book and I am so proud of it and it is so funny and interising to write it I think that soon I will write another book

the beauty and the chimera *thiam*Where stories live. Discover now