the truth

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*at Scott's house *         
liam wasn't the last one to arrive to the meeting so he chated with Scott while waiting for malia and Peter to arrive

liam was a little mad at Scott he invited Peter and trusted him while being bad with theo -poor liam-

finally everyone arrived and Scott started talking

" so now after everyone is here I need to tell u why we are here
we are here because someone was harming the pack lately he was the main cause of our problems but he wasn't the only reason because if we were honest with each other we could avoid this situation "

" we are here because of theo raeken" Scott said and liam was shocked he felt As if someone throw on his head, bucket of the ice " what the hell theo has to do with the pack's problem's " he asked him self

" theo was the one who told your mother that you are still alive malia, he pretended to bring kira and Lydia coffee every morning he was putting hallucination pill for them that's why you lost control of your fox and you went to out of your brain and he told us that Derek killed Donovan "

" that bastard if I saw him any where I will kill him "  malia shouted high and roared she was angry

" that bastard if I saw him any where I will kill him "  malia shouted high and roared she was angry

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" malia no if you saw him u will call me he is so strong he could hurt u I don't want u to get hurt"

 " the boy is dangerous beside he is strong and he has those chimeras with him so u guys need to be carfull with him " Derek said

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" the boy is dangerous beside he is strong and he has those chimeras with him so u guys need to be carfull with him " Derek said

liam wasn't their with them he was lost in his thoughts He felt stabs all over his body and began sweating hard he was an inch away from the craziness.

" liam are u OK " Mason whispered to him while everybody was talking with each about theo and cursing  and insulting him Mason was the only one who knew about liam and theo and he knew how much of love liam had to the chimera
" I need to leave now,  u tell Scott about me and theo then u will have to forget our friendship " he says while getting out of their he ran as fast as he could and went to theo's fack house he wished to catch up with the chimera before he leave but as liam expected their was no sign of theo or any of his fake parents
he went upstairs to theo's room where they were cuddling and kissing where they had sex several times he burried his body on the bed under theo's warm blanket and started crying  he wasn't able to believe that theo was lying to him he was using him againest Scott and was working with dread doctor he never loved liam

liam stopped crying when he remembered this evenining
him self promising theo that he will never doubt the fact that theo loved him

" no no no no no no I have to stop thinking like this he never loved me he was lying he hurt my pack and broke my heart " he screamed while crying hrd and burying his nose in the pillow where theo used to sleep for the past few months trying to catch the chimera's cent to calm himself down
he was interrupted with a phone call it was Scott he must be worried about him
liam answered the phone with a weak voice because he was crying for hours
" hey Scott, any news "

" yeah lots if them actually we knew now who is the beast of gaevadan "

" really who?" liam asked but he actually didn't care

" it... it.. liam take breath before I tell u..... it's m.. maa.
it's Mason "

" what the fuck Scott where are u I am coming now "
liam jumbed from his place and went to Scott their was a plan and they started to do it

So I am so happy that u Guys are reading my book if you love this vote 4 it and don't forget to tell me your opinion
Love u Guys stay safe an enjoy your day


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