Why Me?

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John was man who had a semi-successful life. He said semi, because even though he was steadily gained popularity on the internet, and he had a wonderful girlfriend, he felt like he wasn't enough to actually deserve either the fame or the girl. He tried understanding why he felt this way, locked behind the door in his bedroom, tears streaming down his face. His eyes were puffy and red, and his throat hurt from trying to keep quiet. His girlfriend, (Y/N), was sleeping in the living room, and he didn't want her to wake up and see him like this.

He thought about her long and hard. The fame he received was nothing compared to her and the love she had for him. He really didn't deserve her. (Y/N) would leave the comfort of her bed just to come and spend time with him, just because he wanted it. When they both were sick as dogs, she would still get up and get him medicine, no matter if she was worse than him or not. He remembered the time she had came to his house in the pouring ran, just because she didn't want to bother him to come and get her when her car broke down. John really didn't deserve (Y/N), and the thoughts of her and her actions made him sob even more.

A quiet knock was heard in the room, and John shut up. "John?" (Y/N)'s soft voice sounded through the door. "Are you alright, love?" she inquired. John took a deep breath, trying to clear his throat and calm down. "I'm fine." John replied, his voice cracking. This worried (Y/N), and she frowned. "John, open the door." she demanded. "(Y/N), please." John said, feeling himself start to tear up again. "John." was all the girl said. Silence covered the room and shuffling was heard behind the door. The lock on the door sounded, and the door swung open. The stern look on (Y/N)'s face melted away as she saw the man before her. His face was red and stained with dried tears. The man that once showed no emotion now looked like a child, making the girl's heart sore. "Oh, John. What's wrong?" (Y/N) asked softly, grabbing onto John's arm. He just shook his head, not being able to speak. (Y/N) made her way into the room, pulling John to follow her. Sitting on the bed, (Y/N) scooted back, pulling John to lay against her.

The girl ran her fingers through John's hair, listening to the man sob. Her heart hurt for him, and she wanted to make him feel better. She waited until he calmed down, her fingers still tangled in his bleached hair. "Love, what's wrong?" she whispered. John didn't reply, and she looked down at him. He wouldn't look at her, just off into space. His eyes had dried, and the redness of his cheeks had gone down. "Why me?" she heard John mutter. She raised an eyebrow. He still didn't look at her, instead opting to look at the wall. "Why did you choose me? What's so special about some dumbass, ugly youtuber?" he added, his voice breaking at the end. (Y/N) felt her heart break at his question, and her eyes glossed over. It hurt her to see him so pitiful like this. She thought about his question, not replying to him for a moment. 'Why him?' she thought, not really knowing the answer either. Silence once again filled the space.

"John..." (Y/N) said, gaining the attention of the man on her lap. "I chose you because I love you. I love that you're funny, and I love that you can always make light of some situations. I love that you could have pick of any other girl in the world, but you picked me. I love that you always think about me, and I love when you buy me stuff because it made you think of me," (Y/N) paused, "I mean, I'm not materialistic, I just love that you think of me." she giggled. John smiled, looking into the girl's eyes. "John, the answer to your question is that I love you. I love everything about you. Even though you're famous, you stay so grounded, and that makes me happy. I don't care about money, and I don't care about how you look. I care about how you feel, and I care about your health, both mental and physical." (Y/N) finished, snaking her hand down to hold John's. "I chose you because I love you. I don't want to change that." the girl said, rubbing her thumb softly over John's knuckles.

John thought for a minute, before sitting up and kissing her. (Y/N) was taken by surprise, but she reciprocated. In that moment, nothing else mattered to the two. John's worries about why she loved him melted away. Hearing her speech reassured him that she actually loved him, and that she wasn't there in his life for pity. She actually did love him, and he loved her more than anything. As long as he had her near, there really was nothing to fear about her loving him.

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