John having a crush on you would include:

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-He loves laying on top of you. Not cuddling or anything NSFW, just when you two are hanging out, he flops down on you and stays there

-Always offering you shirts, to buy you food, wanting to play games with just you at times

-Will give you SO many rings, with little reason.

-"Oh, I saw it and thought of you" "It reminded me of you, so I bought one for me and you" "Idk, it's cute and you like cute shit"

-EXTREMELY OOC, even when with friends

-He plays that whole "Bad boy doesn't care about anything" role real well until you came along

-Immediately melts and is soft boii

-He's basically a puppy, and he'll follow you everywhere

-When you two start dating, he basically choke holds you everytime you sleep together

-"John it's hot I wanna get up" "No fuck you"

-Will honestly go to the ends of the earth for you

-10/10 soft baby boi. He baby.

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