Christmas Tree

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It was finally December first. There were many things to look forward to this month. Eggnog, bonfires, driving around to look at Christmas lights, and most importantly, (Y/n) dolling up the house with blow up decorations and her Christmas tree. John didn't particularly care for decorating, but (Y/n) always batted her lashes and was able to convince him to at least help her decorate the tree. Ever since they moved in together, John always felt a little bit more into the Christmas spirit. He liked watching (Y/n)'s eyes light up as she stared in awe at all of the decorations, and loved when she struggled to wrap the lights around the tree herself.

(Y/n) had just finished grabbing all of the decorations from the storage room and got to setting up the tree. John helped put it together and stand it up, but he sat back down. "Uh, John? Are you gonna help me?" the woman asked, looking to the man who was watching tv. "Nah babe, I think you got it." he answered, looking over his shoulder and giving her a quick smile before looking back at the tv. (Y/n) stood there, hands on her hips with a face of disbelief. Pursing her lips, she huffed. "Fine! I'll put the lights up by myself! And I'm gonna tell Santa you're being mean." she pouted, blowing a raspberry at the back of his head.

The woman got to work wrapping the string of colorful lights around the tree. Every few inches, she ran into a knot that she's have to untangle, causing the lights to unwind from the tree, so she'd have to start over. She attempted to wind the lights around her hand to keep them untangled, but she managed to tangle them even more. "Oh, stupid Christmas lights. I hate these damn things." she huffed angrily. She finally managed to untangle all of the lights and bent over to wrap them around the tree.


The (h/c) shot back up, her hands moving to cover her butt. She looked behind her and saw the smug face of her boyfriend, who tried looking innocent. "John! You ass." she gasped, giggling when he smiled at her. "I couldn't help it. You stuck it out there." he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. (Y/n) smacked his hand playfully. "Bad John. Can't unwrap the gift before Christmas.~" she said in a sing-song voice, removing his hand from her shoulders. "Now help me decorate this tree, ya butthead." (Y/n) said. John made no point in moving, instead crossing his arms and acting like a child.

"You know, the faster we decorate this tree, the faster you can get your early Christmas present." the woman teased.

John pushed (Y/n) away from the tree, quickly  wrapping the lights. "What are you waiting for, get the ornaments! No time to waste." he said, urging her to grab the box off the table. "John, you horndog." she giggled, heading off the grab the ornaments.

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