Chapter Four : Sweet Reunion

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I gripped on to my bag with anticipation.
He'll be here soon...
I could feel butterflies fluttering around my stomach, my body quaking at the thought of seeing him again. Looking down to my shoes, I attempted to calm myself.

"Deep breaths.." I mumbled, greedily sucking in air before shakily exhaling.

It's gonna be okay...there's no need to be nervous! It's just best friend.

- flashback -

Children were excitedly mumbling, glancing up at the ticking clock every so often, ready to pounce out of their seats as soon as the bell went. I eagerly began packing my stuff, feeling excitement bubble up inside me for the summer holidays.

"Oi, idiot!"

Recognising the rough voice from beside me, I felt a smile grace my face as I turned to face the owner of the said voice.

"Hey Kaachan! What's up?"

Rolling his eyes at the nickname I used, he scratched at the side of his cheek.

"Are you free after school?" He mumbled, a light shade of pink making its way across his cheeks.

I nodded, my smile growing bigger at his words.

"Yeah! Why? Got something planned!?"

A grin made its way on to his features, pleased with my availability.

"I don't. Deku does. He was wondering if you wanted to join us at his house. We're just gonna be celebrating the beginning of the summer holidays together." He explained, leaning back into his chair.

"I'm definitely up for it! I'll ask my daddy once school finishes!" I gushed, feeling myself grow impatient with how slow time was passing.

"Awesome. I'm sure Deku will be happy I'm dragging your dumb ass along too."
He declared, his grin replaced with a smirk.

"Wow. I'm wounded, Kaachan. Does your mommy know her five year old boy talks with such a potty mouth?" I questioned, my smirk now appearing.

"Hah. You may be a weakling, but you ain't weak enough to be effected by those words. After all, I could call you a lot worse, shit for brains. And my mommy? She's the one who teaches me this 'potty mouth' " he sneered, his eyes giving me a challenging gaze.

I chuckled, my smirk evaporating as my usual smile appeared.

"Smart mouthed as always, Kaachan. That's one of the things I lo-"

I was interrupted by the bell that rang through-out the school building, signalling the end of the school day, and the start of the summer holidays.

I hopped out of my seat, slinging my bag over my shoulder before catching sight of a pouting Izuku jogging up to Katsuki and I.

"Ughhh, I wish I sat next to you guys, it'd be so much easier! And I wouldn't feel so lonely at the back of the classroom." He groaned, his arms flailing around frustratedly.

Katsuki pridefully smirked.

"Hah! It can't be helped, Deku. Everyone wants to sit next to someone as awesome as me, but only few get to. Feel blessed, Lara. You're lucky enough to be beside yours truly!"
He roared, crossing his arms in satisfaction.

Deku and I stared at him, before looking at each other, desperately trying to hold our laughs in.

"Y-yeah, you're amazing Kaachan!"

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