Chapter 6 : The Beginning

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"I WIN!"
I shrieked, first bumping the air as Izuku crouched down, sucking in much needed air in an attempt to regain his breath.
"You've always been fast, Lara. Even without using your quirk." Now standing up straight, he sent a smile my way.

My eyes avoided his as I spoke, embarrassment lacing my tone.
"You're always flattering me Izuku. Thank you though." Izuku's face flushed at my thanks.
"N-no problem, Lara! A-anyway, we better get to class. So...uhm, lets go!" His hand reached out for mine, but before he could lace his fingers in mine, I pulled away from him.

"Sorry, I've gotta go see someone before I join the class. But you'll see me later on, I promise." I mumbled apologetically, turning the other way from him.
"I-it's okay! Please take your time!" Fiddling with his thumbs, his cheeks flared up more.
I could feel my lips curve up in to a smile at his cuteness.
He's such an adorable little cinnamon roll...
I nodded towards him, sending him a close eyed smile before wandering off to my destination, the Principles Office.
Time-Skip because I'm lazy, tired and hungry all the time ________________________________

Knocking upon the door, I heard a squeak from inside the room, words soon following.
"Come in!"
Twisting the door handle, I opened the door before closing it behind me.
"Good morning, Mr. Nezu. I'm Lara Aizawa, it's truly a pleasure to meet you. My dad told me that you wanted to see me?"
I introduced myself before bowing respectfully to the small animal before me, this animal being the principal of the school, Nezu himself.

"So polite. Many students lack respect for others now a days, and I have to say I'm surprised that you would be bowing to me. After all, you're not quite used to Japanese customs, right?" His voice was soft as he spoke, his eyes crinkling up as a small was now present on his face.
Standing up, I now eyed the small animal before me.
"Yes. I came to Japan when I was four turning five years old. I learned fluent Japanese within a year, however, I could never really get used to the ways of the Japanese. But, I'm working on it. The only thing that I cannot do is be referred to as my last name, as I prefer people using my first." Nezu nodded, his paw reaching out towards me.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Lara. I really do hope you'll enjoy my wonderful school." Grinning, I took his paw into my hand, shaking it lightly.
"I'm sure I will. I've wanted to attend UA for a long time. However, I didn't come here just for a welcome, did I? What do you wish to discuss with me?"
Nezu's eyes glimmered with an unknown emotion before he gestured for me to sit down.
Taking a seat across from his desk, he also took his.
"I would like to talk about your quirks. They really are remarkable. Many would even say..exceptional. To think such a young child can hold as much power as you do, it's insane to some. Even Pro-Heroes talk about you, they think you'll be the next Number One Hero. They truly believe you're the most powerful person to exist at the moment, even though you too, have weaknesses." My eyes widen at his statements, my voice coming out hoarse as I spoke.
"B-But, I'm dangerous. I'm..a monster, I'm powerful, but, power isn't always a good thing...don't get me wrong. I adore my quirks, they're a part of me. But...I'm a danger aswell as a saviour to this world, to its people."
Nezu nodded, a smile still present on his features.

"Your quirks are a gift and a curse, Lara. I'm well aware how dangerous one of them are, however, you've proved to be able to control it. All you're training, grades and quirk tests were exceptionally good, you were able to free yourself from confinement through sheer will power, and that's something a hero needs. Will power. You're strong, and aswell as other Pro-Heroes, I truly believe you can become number one and save this world. However, I didn't invite you here to talk about how dangerous you are to people. I want you to tell me more about both your quirks, as there's not much information on them. The data I received from P.Q. was of no help, so I want to hear about your quirks from you."

Taking in all of his words, I felt happiness build up inside me. So this is what having someone believe in you feels like? My dad, Izuku and now the principal? It's such a warm feeling, I like it.
"My second quirk, the non-dangerous one, is called 'Soothing' .
If I come in contact with someone through touch, my quirk allows me to see parts of their memories and thoughts. If the memories are traumatic or the thoughts are negative, I can use my quirk to comfort them. My quirk gives off a calming aura, a feeling of safety and warmth to the person I'm in physical contact with. It also allows me to communicate with said person through their mind, I can hear their thoughts and they can hear mine. By communicating through the mind, I'm able to comfort them with both words and feelings of safety and warmth. If I increase the feeling of warmth and safety my body is radiating to theirs, I can make them fall asleep. My second quirk is very useful, and can be used against villains in dire situations. The quirk's only weakness is that I feel the emotion of those I'm comforting, so if they're feeling scared, depressed etc, I will feel the same."

Nezu's ears twitched as he listened to every word, his hand mindlessly scribbling words on to paper as he kept his eyes locked on me.
"My first quirk is Air Manipulation. It's a S class quirk that is deemed highly dangerous. I can manipulate and control air.
Anything air based, I can do.
My only weakness is that if I grow too cold from using my quirk, I can get sick or even get hypothermia. This is because my body's warmth is drained through using my quirk, however, my body is extremely warm, above average body temperatures.
So it takes a lot to drain the warmth completely from my body....Also, regaining heat is a quick fix, as long as something hot or warm is around, I can use it to raise my temperature again and be able to continue using my quirk. So you can pretty much say, I have no weakness for this quirk."

Taking a deep breath, I leaned back into my chair.
"Whew, that was a lot of talking. Sorry for the long descriptions, but I thought I might as well explain everything since you're interested."
Nezu shook his head, placing his pen down to the side.
"No, no. The descriptions you gave were perfect, and I must say, your quirks are highly impressive. Only one weakness for each quirk is truly amazing. No wonder you're praised by Pro-Heroes so much. Thank you for explaining, this information will really help us at UA help you reach your full potential."
Nezu folded the paper in front of him before placing it into a file with my name on it.

"Now, it's time for you to join your classmates. I'm sure Aizawa has a good lesson prepared for you, and he wouldn't want you to miss it."
Sending a smile his way, I nodded before lifting myself off the chair.
"Mr. Nezu?"
"Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to become a hero. I won't disappoint my father who recommended me, I won't disappoint the other teachers, and I certainly won't disappoint you. I'll become the best hero this world has ever seen, I'll make you all proud."
Nezu's eyes creased once again as his grin stretched from ear to ear.

"I don't doubt it for a second, Lara."

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