Chapter 10

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I stared at the main gate, my eyes wide with horror. My whole body was tense as I watched the guards checked people's baskets and carts. I had no idea what they were looking for, but I knew that I could get into trouble with the "stolen" goods that I had.

The sound of a nightingale nearby caused me to look away from the scene and towards the rest of the wall.

A man waved for me to come that way, and I sighed with relief. He was standing near a "hidden" gate that the guards used to get into the forest. Only they knew how to get in and out, and I was grateful that those on "my side" were the ones guarding it.

I walked towards the gate, making sure that I was not seen by the men on top of the wall. My whole body was on high alert as I made my way to the gate, praying to the Gods that I wouldn't be seen.

The guard signaled me to wait when I was near the gate. He looked up and watched as a guard passed overhead. A frown was on his face when the guard stopped and looked around, and I ducked behind the bush that I was already behind and held my breath.

I waited for him to move and huffed when he didn't. I was running out of time, and I knew that I would be late meeting Jonah again. A scowl appeared on my face as I stared at the guard on the wall, silently begging him to move.

The guard looked around one last time before starting to walk towards the main gate. He didn't look towards the forest again, and I silently thanked him.

Finally, the guard near the gate gestured for me to run, and I did. He let me in but made me pause when he placed his hand on my arm. "The Prince?" he asked softly. He glanced this way and that, making sure that we were alone.

"Is safe," I replied, knowing that he was talking about Caspian. "He will be here shortly if he isn't here already."

The guard relaxed and nodded his head. There was a soft smile on his face, and I knew that he was proud that I had helped the Prince through the night. He knew that I wasn't a fan of the royal family, but he knew it was my duty to serve those who needed help. "Thank you," he whispered, letting me go.

I nodded my head and started to walk towards Sparrow's Mill. I still had enough time to get there, and I prayed that Jonah would tell me some things, especially things about this egg that I carried in my basket.


The streets and surrounding areas were crowded with people, and they pushed and shoved others, not caring who or what was in their way. Excitement filled the air as they muttered 'he was back' and 'he is safe,' and I couldn't help but wonder if they were talking about Prince Caspian.

Someone pushed me out of their way, and I hissed at them in pain and a warning. They had pushed me hard in the side and didn't seem to care that he had almost made me run into someone else. Hearing me hiss, the male turned towards me to say something but stopped when he noticed my hard glare. He widened his eyes in surprise and ducked down, quickly apologizing to me.

I scowled and tried to get around everyone to go down one of the other roads, but I couldn't. I had to stop when everyone else stopped, and I knew that I would be late. "I don't have time for this," I groaned, pushing my way until I was towards the front. I stopped near the front and spotted many guards blocking the intersection.

A parade of some sort was crossing behind them, and everyone cheered when they saw Prince Caspian alive and well.

He looked a little fresher than he did when he left me, but I could tell that he looked a little dejected. His head was bent toward his horse, and he ignored the crowds around him.

I could feel eyes on me, and I pulled my gaze away from and toward the person that was staring at me. I noticed that one of his closest guards was looking straight at me, at my neck, where the necklace that Prince Caspian had given me.

He caught my gaze, and his eyes widened in disbelief as well as mine. The Elven guard quickly looked forward and set his jaw, and I couldn't help but wonder if he thought that I had stolen it from the Prince. He made no move to look at me again, and I couldn't help but wonder if anyone else knew that one of the guards was actually an Elf. Only they were able to sense what they had created, and it made me wonder who else lived here amongst the "Humans."

Who else hid their true natures, their true species to live in a kingdom that didn't want them. And why?

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