Chapter 46

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I started to walk to where I had to go next, and the hair on the back of my neck stood at attention.

I was being followed.

My dragon paced around in my mInd, and I could feel his nervousness and had to make sure it didn't mix with mine and do something stupid.

I ignored the fact that I was being followed and continued on my merry way, even though a part of me knew that I couldn't ignore it for long.

"Are you going to look around?" my dragon asked nervously. "What if someone tries to attack you?"

"Then I will be prepared," I replied and pressed my lips into a thin line. I took a deep breath and let it out while I tried to relax myself. I looked around but didn't see anything out of the ordinary except for feeling that I was being watched.

"But no weapons," Shilan said, and I hummed in agreement and mentally nodded. "Do you think that you can protect yourself without them?"

"If I need to, then yes," I replied, "but I still need to make sure that I am looked at as if I am a meek servant girl."

Shilan hummed and didn't say a word while he paced more around my mind, flicking his tail. "Can't you enter the alleyways and leave the feeling alone?" he asked, asking a question that I was debating with myself.

"No," I replied while I pursed my lips in annoyance. "That's not going to work because they could follow me there, and I don't want the people living there to get injured by this person or get into trouble because they were protecting me."

Shilan grumbled but didn't say another word. He didn't like that idea, but I knew that he understood why I wouldn't do it.

"Relax," I said and pressed my lips into a thin line while I glanced around again. "I'll be careful. I promise."

Shilan grumbled again, and he flicked his tail in annoyance. "You better," he threatened, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. "Or else, I will come over there and save you from whoever decided to attack you."

"No," I replied instantly and narrowed my eyes while my scowl deepened. "You are not going to try and rescue me, Shilan, especially when whatever this is is probably connected to you somehow."

My dragon scoffed and rolled his eyes. "How?" he asked, and I had a feeling that he raised an eyebrow. "How is this supposed to be about me?"

I mentally raised my eyebrow before I mentally gave him a pointed look. "Gee," I said sarcastically, and he scowled. "I wonder why it would be connected to you." I couldn't help the sickly sweet tone that I gave him, and I could feel his deepened scowl from where I was located.

Again, my dragon didn't answer, and he didn't get what I meant. He growled softly, and I bit back a satisfied smirk because I knew that I was getting him annoyed. "Well, go on with it," he said finally. "What are you talking about? Why are you blaming me?"

"I am not blaming you," I said with a small sigh while I looked around, making sure that I was still alone before I picked up my pace and started to walk faster so that I could get to the place quicker and then go home until it was time for me to go to the pub. "I am blaming the position that I am now in, which is making me feel this way."

Shilan stayed silent and slowly blinked while he thought about what I said.

Finally, he hummed and lowered his head while he flicked his tail again when he finally understood what I meant. "Because you are a dragon rider?" he asked softly, and I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Is that what you are getting at?"

The Last Dragon Rider (Book 1 of Rider Series)Where stories live. Discover now