New Mexico, America: Tuesday 17th January, 17:29

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As they approached Fort 7239 Sgt Peters could see why Cpt Williams had sent them there. The troops were heavily getting outnumbered. There were what seemed like millions of Asians vs about 100 defending Americans.

"Guys, get ready" Peters spoke up, breaking the tension, as soon as we touch ground fire. Got it?" All of the troops nodded, except for Baines.

"Why don't we fire from here? Take some down and then as we get closer shoot some more?" Baines questioned.

The troops agreed and started firing. The Asians were caught off guard, unsure who to shoot. Should they shoot at the chopper or at the defenders?

"Drayson, the grenade launcher!" Peters shouted.

He grabbed the grenade, loaded into the launcher and fired.

It exploded, sending thousands of Korean soldiers flying.

There wasn't much Koreans left now. One shot from Drayson and there would be none left.

The remaining Koreans scarpered, some sticking together, some running alone.

"Should we hunt them down?" Drayson asked.

"No, we shouldn't risk losing valuable men. We'll let them hide, but tell Pvt Smith to watch that area" Peters replied, playing with the barrel of his gun.

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