Montreal, Canada: Wednesday 18th January, 22:59

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The sight was horrible. Ivy Street, where his house used to be, was blown to smithereens. It was Korea's way of fighting back against America and Canada, since they wiped out most of their numbers in New Mexico. As he walked through the rubble he could remember running through the fields playing football with his mates, and now it was reduced to ashes.

He turned, to face his old house. Luckily his family had been told prior to the bombing and evacuated the street, so no one was killed. He trudged over to his chopper, making sure not to step in the ashes.

He got in, and took off.

Once he touched down at the base, he entered the gates. He knew something was wrong straight away, as usually a guard is there to greet him. Not today. He pulled his radio out of his jacket pocket, and clicked the button.

"Hello? Sgt. Jenkins? It's me, Lieutenant Fredricks. I've just touched down, and there are no guards here. Is everything okay? Over."

He continued onwards, towards the control room.

As he approached, he noticed something was wrong. He saw bodies slouched over the controls, with bullet holes in their backs. He turned around to face the door just at the right time. As he turned he saw an Asian officer about to knife him. He ducked, grabbed his arm, and thrust him into the wall. He grabbed the knife and thrust it into the officer's back. The limp body slouched to the ground as Fredricks left.

He travelled over to the barracks to grab a gun to defend the base. Fortunately he didn't encounter any Korean soldiers on the way, but things got worse as he entered the barracks. As he approached the weapons room he heard Korean soldiers talking.

He slowly crept up the stairs, to where he could see them. He could reach a gun, he could reach a gun and kill these soldiers. He, John David Fredricks could singlehandedly recapture an American Air Forces Base. He pounced up to the nearest gun, an MP5K and fired. He hit the soldiers, wounding them but not killing them. They grabbed their guns and fired back, causing him to jump down the stairs and sprint over to the hangers.

He checked over his shoulder, and noticed more soldiers arriving. He climbed up to the cockpit, and got in. He set off, and thought he was safe, but he was wrong.

Very wrong.

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