An Eye For An Eye

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Dipper Pines' POV

I rapidly found myself getting increasingly lost. I kept trying to keep track of the path I took, but my mind was badly scattered. I'm seriously starting to regret turning down Great-Uncle Ford's gaming request. 

Groaning in frustration of the past few weeks, I slumped down beneath a pine tree. I snorted a little, amused with the irony. I felt my sweater (I had long ditched the vests), but I realized in a panic that I had left the third journal back at the Shack. 

"Can this day get any worse?" I whined to myself, "ugh...I wish I could've never found that stupid journal!" By the time I finish ed my sentence, I was high with fury once again. 

"Too bad," said a strangely familiar voice, "...that a chaos god can't choose someone's fate even though it's as tempting as it seems." 

Chaos god...? 

Oh, no. This can't be happening. 

"Oh, but it is!" The voice shrieked.

Stumbling to stand, I turned around to see where the voice was projecting from. "Show yourself!" I cried, alas but in vain. That's when I realized that everything was monochrome. Awesome. Just spectacular! 

"Wake me up, Bill!" I shouted again, "wake me up!" 

A twig snapped in the distance which was pinpointed directly at my right. Whipping my head to the snap, I saw a strange silhouette hidden by shadows, but the only thing that actually stood out was one golden eye, a cold-hearted glint of mischief dancing within. I shuddered. 

I saw a gloved hand press itself against a oak, which caused it to burn. The rest of the silhouette emerged, and I was immediately taken aback. The demon I've feared since I was 12 was no longer lived with an equilateral, 2-dimensional form, but a 3-dimensional human form. 

Bill Cipher wore a white dress shirt that rested underneath a yellow, tailcoat vest. His right eye was covered with a upside-down triangle and the left glowed a hypnotic gold. A signature black top hat levitated inches above Bill's blonde hair, which had a dark undercut. Of course, he still donned the famous bow tie and simple-looking cane. 

"Wake you up?" Bill wondered in a mocking tone, " about: no!" 

"What if Mabel finds me? Unconscious?" I asked coldly. 

"Eh," Bill shrugged nonchalantly, "I like to watch people suffer. It's fun, just like pain!" Growling in annoyance, I kneeled and picked up a rock. It weighed almost nothing, but looked deadly sharp. I raised it, preparing for the aftermath. I figured that if this idiot wouldn't snap me out of the Mindscape, I'd do it myself. Maybe some pain would alert my body in some way. 

Sighing, Bill simply replied with: "good luck, Pine Tree." 

I awoke with my skull unleashing massive amounts of blood.

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