Insanity is Anything P2

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Dipper's P.O.V

It felt like I was wearing the Mind Reader machine while Ford removed the brace. I drummed my fingers on my knees, waiting. Then, with a satisfying hiss, the entire thing was off. Ford walked to my front and held out his hands. I grabbed them, and stood. We both knew I had to be careful. My great-uncle slowly let go of my hands. 

I was walking. Without the brace. 

"Looks successful to me," Ford replied cautiously. 

I nodded eagerly. "Yeah," I sighed, "I can walk again." 

We both shared a quiet laugh. I hobbled over to Ford's study and leaned down to grab a pen. I started to click it on and off, like I used to when I was more of a brainiac during the good ol' times. Of course, I'm still a nerd, but I've changed a bit. 

"I'm going to go show Mabel that I won't fall," I said pridefully. Ford nodded and helped me up the stairs to the vending machine doorway. Mabel was standing there, tapping her foot nervously. The moment she saw me, her jaw just about dropped to the floor. 

"You can walk!" She screeched. Spreading her arms wide, she walked over for one of our long-overdue awkward sibling hug. She was close to crying, but I was just beyond excited. 

"Pat, pat." 

Mabel's P.O.V

Well, little Dip-Dip can walk again! I was so happy for him I almost stared to cry. He was simply holding in the rainbows. Ha, silly. We patted each other simultaneously and that's when I broke down. Good thing I wasn't wearing makeup. 

"Oh my God, I'm a mess, aren't I?" I blubbered pathetically. He nodded. I saw Grunkle Ford standing off to the side, and I gave him a hug. "Thanks for helping my bro-bro." I whispered. 

"You're welcome." 


Dipper's P.O.V

Mabel and I were lounging it out on Stan's recliner, watching Ducktective on the television. It didn't have a third season, so we watched random reruns on some of the few channels on our Grunkle's TV.  She had a nearly-empty blender of Mabel Juice and was starting to twitch and shudder. She can keep her hyperactivity quiet for a lot longer than she could at age 12. 

Suddenly, my ears started ringing. 

Then, a throbbing headache followed soon after. 

Mabel must've noticed my discomfort, because she paused the show and looked at me worriedly. "You okay, Dippy?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine..." 

But I wasn't. The ringing got louder and more high-pitched. It sounded like a dying hyena. I cried out when a pulse of immense pressure thrummed in my head. It was starting to hurt. A lot. I had my heels of my palms pressed to my temples, but nothing could soothe the shrieking. 

I couldn't stop it. The moans, the cries, the wails...

Mabel was freaking out, and calling for someone. I think. I couldn't hear a single sound except the ringing. The gongs. The drums, the wind chimes, the...the...everything!

I had fallen to the floor, and the TV was long since turned off. Black spots clouded my vision, and everything had a ghostly duplicate. I was sure I was going delusional, since it felt like crazy eyes were watching my every move. 

Suddenly, my hands began to hurt. Mainly my fingers. I took a glance, but I immediately regretted it. They were turning into terrifying claws of a monster. Black and blue, they grew longer like the roots of a plant, and looked scary sharp. 

I blinked. They were gone. The claws were gone. 

A white-hot blast of pain surged through my limbs and my veins, and I screamed. 

I screamed, and screamed, and screamed. 

I screamed for infinity. I screamed until my voice cracked. I screamed, screamed, and screamed.

For a moment, I was confused as why the floor was rushing up to me. I didn't get it. But, I wasn't able to understand before I finally passed out from exhaustion. 

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