C H A P T E R // E L E V E N

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"Kiki" KJ calls out my name.

I mentally curse before turning around and smiling.

"I'll like you to meet Noora" He introduces.

"I'll like you to meet Noora" He introduces

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"Kimberly!" She says shocked.

"Kimberly?" Noah repeats confused.

KJs eyes widen.

"I'm sorry but you have the wrong person. I'm kiki" I introduced myself, holding out my hand.

She accepts, "Hmm, you really look like this girl I know from back home" She mentions narrowing her eyes slightly.

"I get that a lot, I just have one of those familiar faces" I nervously laugh, pulling away.

She looks at me suspiciously as she flickers her eyes between Noah and me.

"This is Noah," I introduced him.

"Hi" He greets shaking her hand.

"Hey!" She greets back.

"Are you two together?" She asks but just before Noah could say anything I spoke first.


"Yes," I shoot out, interrupting Noah.

"Aren't we," I looked at him giving him the Go-Along-With-It look.

He hesitates at first but goes along.

"Yes, I'm fortunate to have her" He smiles embracing me as he kisses my forehead.

She takes the bait.

"You two seem like you're deeply in love with each other, I can tell by the way he looks at you." She expresses.

I smiled and looked up to Noah, "So very much."

"Thankfully he is an actor or else she wouldn't have brought the act," I thought to myself.

"I just remember I need to talk with Kiki but in private, could I steal her for a second please," KJ asks.

Noora nods.

KJ grabs my hand and rushes me into the kitchen leaving behind Noah and Noora.

I look over to see them standing awkwardly.

"How does she know you!" KJ whisper-shouts panicking.

"When I moved countries, she and her friends were the first people I had met" I whispered back.

"Why do I get this feeling that there is something you're not telling me" KJ narrows his eyes.

I look down, hesitating.

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