2 | lovers are blind

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stood a boy caring about his crush's feelings


   He walked in through the gate with his backpack hung on one shoulder, walking in with confidence like he always do, like some kind of gangster. He passed by the punished students as always, even the teacher but this time the teacher suddenly call him.

"Yah. You kid. Where do you think youre going?"

He turn to look at the teacher, scanning him head to toe when he notice it was someone unfamiliar.

"Who the heck are you?" Hendery asked, a confused yet annoyed face plastered, stopping his track where he was disturbed.

It was an attachment discipline teacher.

"Why would you care about me, 20 pushups!" The teacher lift his rattan, about to hit him so he walked over to the other students, putting down his backpack on the floor. He has to give up. Life is unfair and so is he.

He noticed the boy next to him was staring right at him so he glared intensely back, obviously. The expression of the guy was like "Eh? All of a sudden? why is he so bipolar and weird"

The boy flinched when he got caught, looking down before he can even add more bad thoughts about the guy next to him.

He got into class, throwing his backpack on the floor next to his chair, plopping down on his seat. He looked outside of the class, his eyes were roaming around while trying to ignore the classmates that have been badmouthing and gossiping all day.

"How can someone reject a cute girl like her, ugh this guy just makes my blood boils."

He put on his headphone to ignore them, muttering under his breath after. "Sad of himself cant even hit on a girl he likes. ha. Coward."

The boy glared at him, standing up, off the table. "What did you say?"

"Cant you even hear what people say in one time? I won't waste my saliva just because of your problematic hearing." He added.

"Are you kidding me" the boy chuckled bitterly, making his way to Hendery who has his eyes closed like nothing happened. He opened his right eye, slowly when the boy came to him and take a grip of his collar.

"You dont even have girls approach you, it's your look that doesnt work on them. You say as if i steal her from you, i didnt do anything. She's just blind or her taste is just not weird as you, I have my rights to reject her, why would i care of her feelings than mine?"

The boy growled, his fist were clenched tight, ready to land a punch on Hendery's beautiful face. "You watch what you're saying! I'm happy as long as her happy and for your information she's not blind. She's just in love.."

At this moment, Hendery was wondering if there's a savior. A person who'd stop the chaos and punish him for good. Even the class monitor didn't even dare to let out a word. The discipline teacher? no. Just someone like her.

"Love or not in love, that's the thing. She's in love with a man that doesn't love her. Don't you know love is blind? Or can i say, the ones in love are blind. How pathetic." He actually have his other thoughts in his mind, 'stood a boy caring about his crush's feelings. what a drama.'

Without hesitation, the boy punch him in the face, he didnt even move a bit when that boy let out anger on him.

"Don't you think hurting your Kyungmi's crush over here will not hurt her as well?" A smirk was plastered on his face, seems like provoking the boy.

The door was slammed open before the boy can even land another punch on his face. The homeroom teacher yelled, "Stop the both of you! Hendery. Stay for detention later!"

His collar was then let go, the boy sighing in frustration. "Watch what youre saying. I dont like your selfishness."

"You too! Shut up or i'm going to add another one hour! Just in an early morning to fight. Childish."

Hendery rolled his eyes over, "Bull's ddong."

   As soon as the bell ring, hallways were crowded, students were roaming around the cafeteria, talking, eating, just standing, different kind of things they do on recess.

Hendery got out of class, his eyes were searching for the same girl, Aerin but since the morning, she wasnt around where she always go, she doesnt even attend class. He kind of found that not surprising cause she's always busy, but as the president and a role model to the students, she never seem to miss a day or even a class, except if she's really busy dealing with some weird students and helping teachers out.

He cleared the thoughts, walking out to meet his friends next and wanted to try something new; being an average high school student and senior.

   "He's here, he's here!" The girl yell-whispered to her other friend, starting to throw an act when she saw the boy downstairs walking towards the path through the stairs into the hallway.

She stumbled on her feet, letting out a scream after. Thuds were heard from downstairs, catching other's attention as her body rolled through the staircases. Everyone was shocked by the sudden event, the student president ran in hurry, trying to catch the girl who was falling down the stairs.

Shocked, but almost panicked, everyone stood frozen cause they saw what actually happened. Hendery and his friends were right in front of the stairs, closer to the scene but the respected girl acted faster.

They knew that the poor girl was in pain, Aerin lifted her head on her lap, checking her but the girl was too weak to even open her eyes. Didnt confirm it was a part of her act or something.

She knows only one thing, right in front of her whom she guess the person sho avoided to be involved in the incident. Her eyes were glaring straight at him, as if there was a fire coming out of it.

His eyes were widen, bigger than usual, 'that girl came out of nowhere- a savior?'

She muttered under her breath, almost a curse, gritting her teeth,



words : 1038

※ side note:
똥 (ddong / ttong) in Korean means poop / shit

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