9 | holiday

435 21 5

Things happened and that's how it is


   "Welcome back, Kyungmi."

Aerin looked straight into the eyes of guilt, the person right in front of her looking down, staying quiet as before.

She ask, "Why did you do it?"

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I just wanted his attention. I admit i planned it with my friends, they push me first so i can act naturally that i tripped myself on the staircase but i swear i didn't mean any harm or to make him look bad. I didn't even mean to hurt myself, my neck, injured."

"You know the risk you're taking, right? How sad, regretful and angry he was? He's ashamed. Almost everyday, he came to meet me and thought how to clear it out. You know a life of a student here right?"

The girl nodded slowly while her head hung low, she knows she's guilty but that doesn't mean she can take back to rescue his reputation or something. Things happened and that's how it is. It's good that she admit already, doesn't mean they can run away from punishments. About her neck injured, an accident, but sounds like a lesson learned for her. School rules, stays still in the school.

"If there's any friend of yours included involving with your act, do tell me. I don't want all the burden to you. Don't they felt guilty pushing you though? And break your neck." Aerin strikes her a serious glare, knowing that this is another selfish act.

Before letting her go, Aerin offered the school holiday trip to her, describing almost every detail about it. "Would you like to join it? Since it is under my name, not under school activities, you can still join it if you want."

"Does Kunhang oppa will be there?"

A question that's out of topic, she pursed her lips and thought he would surely be there. She gave a smile, "I'm sure he'll be there. Any other questions or details stays in the groupchat i made. I might need to save your number."

   "Good afternoon, people! It's your DJ Lara Kwon here and i'm here with a friend to interview, who is the Student President, Won Aerin! Today we're gonna make an announcement about the school holiday next week! Camping, hiking, barbeque, swimming at the beach, and even play extreme rides like bungee jumping, diving, you name it! it's a 4 day trip and 3 nights, specially decided by the Student President and not under the school."

Hendery made his way into the building, looking above to the speaker that was on, an announcement was made by the school radio. He walked through the hallways in confidence, dancing while walking happily, take a sip on his drink in his hands, ignoring the voices came out of the speaker and straight to the room he always go. He was quite in a good mood, a little bit high since he ate some chocolates in the afternoon.

"Where did he get that? Did he delivery it?"

"Starbucks? Ah i wanna drink starbucks suddenly"

"Did he went out? The breaktime is over already."

"Well what does he know, he knows no rules."

Ignoring the people around him too, he immediately open the door of the room in front of him, stepping in casually. He stopped his track when two pair of eyes were darted directly on him. Seated Hyosonn and Sungji with their phone in their hands, making him walk backwards and bow to apologise.

Again, he thought that she was trying to avoid him by making her friends over  in the room, and not her or him. He apologized, thinking that he maybe disturbed the both of them and close back the door to find her. Just less than a second, he opened the door to ask where she was. Sungji responded, "She's making an announcement in the broadcasting room. Upstairs on the right." He thanked them after a bow then close the door back.

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