holding hands

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Maybe to him it didn't mean much.

But to you, it was a big step.

Sehun reached for you like it was nothing, his calloused fingers were sure as they gripped yours.

Yes, you were taken by surprise, but the gesture was welcomed enough that you didn't pull away.

No one else really reacted, and why would they, when Sehun just did it so naturally?

"Look, do you see?"

You looked to where he was pointing, a flush settling on your cheeks when he brought you against his front. He pressed himself close as he pointed to the large fish swimming past the glass.

You simply nodded and squeaked, but again, he didn't seem to mind. He gripped his fingers around yours with a bright smile, pulling you towards the next half of the aquarium with an excited yelp.

"Ooh, look at this!"

You followed with a skip, not even the least bit bothered by everyone else around you. Which was strange enough.

"Don't let go of my hand, okay? There's so many people here today."

You could only nod shakily, squeezing his fingers back as he led you towards where Chanyeol and Junmyeon watched the otters.

"I wouldn't want to lose you," he added, smiling back at you quickly.

If only your cheeks could be any redder, they would have at his offhanded statement.

"You won't, I promise." You replied softly.

Sehun flashed a bright, little smile at you before turning back to maneuver through the crowd. "Not if you keep holding on."


PETER PAN ≫ O. SEHUNWhere stories live. Discover now