Chapter 10

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"Sorry Anna, I had too.. its a beautiful car." Zayn explained.

"If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even know about this car. So don't come with explanations." I tried scolded at him but I couldn't. I smiled to much. Zayn just rolled his eyes pretending to be a teenage boy who thinks his mom doesn't know anything.

"Oh and Zayn this is Azraa, my new friend. And Azraa this is Zayn." They smiled at each other. Zayn walked to her and gave her a hug. She was a bit shocked, but got over it with in a second.

"Hey Azraa. So do you really trust this tallish girl? Cause if you don't I'm afraid you will have to leave." What's wrong with him?

"Zayn Javadd Malik! You are not my father and she is not my boyfriend so calm your balls or I will calm then down for you, okay?" He turned around, looking offended. But I don't care. "And get your ass in the car me and Azraa would like to get to the hotel and away from your skinny ass." Azraa climbed in the car while I was scolding Zayn. Zayn thought he could be the shit, but only my words can bring him back to earth.

"Okay, woman. I'm coming calm your tits or I'll calm them for you. And don't even pretend you won't like it.. You would like me tongue against those tits." What the actual fuck? Did he just talk dirty to me?!

I'm shocked and embarrassed because I would like it very much and he turned me on now. I didn't say anything further and climbed in the car. I think he saw thta I was embarrassed.. My cheeks were pink and very hot.

He climbed in and drove to the hotel. Luckily the radio were playing, otherwise things would've been awkward. I don't think Azraa noticed the awkward situation between Zayn and me. I hope not.

We finally arrived at the hotel. Azraa and me went immediately to my hotel room.

"What's going on between you and Zayn?" Azraa asked a soon as we walked in.

"Nothing, we are just friends."

"Well it doesn't look like it. You look like a couple that wants to have sex with each other every day and every night." Well that was pretty straight forward. But what she said is true.

"Yeah Yeah.. very funny." I said

Someone was knocking at the door which only could be the boys of course. I went to see who it is.

"Hey Harry." I greeted him

He was caming in for a hug until he saw Azraa. He was love struck. He didn't move a muscle. He just stared at her. The weird thing was she was just sitting there going through a magazine. He walked straight past me. Like I was never there. What a jerk. Lol. No I knew that look. That look said it all, love at first sight. He went and sat right next to her. She looked up and exactly the same happened to her. She didn't move a muscle. She just kept looking at Harry. Likr he was the only person alive.

They started talking I tried to interrupt but it didn't work. They just kept talking and talking and talking. Like there was no end in it. So I just gave up and texted Azraa saying 'You were too busy with Harry, but don't worry. It was amazing watching you too fall in love See you tomorrow Xx' I just hope they don't have sex in there otherwise I'm going to get a new room to sleep in.

I sended a text to Niall: Can I come and hang out? Harry stole my friend and won't give her back. I sended it to him with a picture of Hazraa. And yes that's what I'm calling them from now on.

Niall: LoL! Good luck getting her back. And yes we can. I would say I'll see you at your room but that won't work those love birds.

Me: See you now Niall and Thank you for saving my life.

I went to Nialls' floor and first Niall had to come out, because the guards didn't want me in. Which I understand.

"So Harry is in love. And this time it isn't with a slut. Miracles must be happening right now." Niall said. We were sitting at the kitchen counter with the radio playing in the background.

"Yeah looks like it. But I'm happy for him. God I'm happy for anyone who is in a relationship." I said.

"Yeah me too. Every-" he was busy saying when I jumped up and ranned to the radio to turn it up. Somebody to you from The Vamps were playing. 

I started jumping up and down Singing the lyrics at the top of my lungs

I used to wanna be

Living like there's only me

But now I spend my time

Thinking 'bout a way to get you off my mind

I used to be so tough

Never really gave enough

And then you caught my eye

Giving me the feeling of a lightning strike

Look at me now, I'm falling

I can't even talk, still stuttering

This ground of mine keeps shaking

Oh oh oh, now!

All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah

Is somebody to you

All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah

Is somebody to you

Everybody's tryna be a billionaire

But every time I look at you I just don't care

'Cause all I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be,

yeah, yeah

Is somebody to you

I used to ride around

I didn't wanna settle down

But now I wake each day

Looking for a way that I can see your face

I've got your photograph

But baby I need more than that

I need to know your lips

Nothing ever mattered to me more than this

I was about to sing the second chorus but the Zayn, Liam And Louis walked in.

"What's the noise about?" Liam asked. He was trying to sound like a angry father.

"Sorry Liam. I got carried away on The Vamps. I'm just used to be alone you know."

Louis laughed at me like I was a mad woman. Zayn looked jealous. Don't know about what.

"Anna I'm just joking. As long as you enjoyed your 60 seconds of lashing out in front of everyone."  Only Liam have a away to get me blushing over nothing.

"Anna? Why do you like The Vamps anyway? Don't you love us?" Louis asked with a shaky lip. He looks like a toddler that didn't got his way.

"I only like that song of them okay? I LOVE the lyrics and they are hot." I said sheepishly

"Oh and we are not?" Zayn asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Can you just please stop making me feel bad because I like their music and I think they are hot? It's really not the end of the world." It was silent for a few seconds. "But I've got to go. Bye." Befpre any of them could stop I was already out of the door.

I was pissed at them. I know it's over nothing but I'm just not in the mood for them I had one rough week and I'm feeling like I'm on the verge of breaking down and going crazy. I just wanted to hang out with Niall, but even I can't do it. I'm just so useless


So Sorry for the late and short update I had a really rough week behind me. Hope you love it

Marlize Xx

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