Miles Hollingsworth, a grade 12 bisexual, billionaire, "bad boy " more than the boyfriend of the girl in the accident.
Olivia Pomegray, a grade 11 hopeless romantic, rich, "good girl", now with even more trauma than before.
The third series of Degr...
After the volleyball game, no one was celebrating. A trophy for a bus full of loved ones, it was like some disgusting trade. "It's okay, it's going to be okay." I calmed down Frankie. I knew how much Jonah meant to her and as her older brother, I needed to be strong for us both.
However inside, my heart had dropped to the floor and I think it had been left on the taxi we all took to get to the hospital where we were now waiting.
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It was horrible seeing all the frightened distressed faces, I looked to Zoe who seemed to have the same thoughts as me. Each person had a loved one on that bus. Grace, Tristan, Zig, Maya, Jonah, Tiny..and Olivia.
I put my hands together, normally I wasn't about Gods and higher spirits that could control the universe because if they were all real, they had given me my father and that was cruel, but this was out my hands and hopefully for once they could do me a favour. I felt selfish but I only prayed for her safety. Please. She didn't deserve any harm.
Suddenly, we all jumped up seeing blue lights flash outside the windows. There was a moment where it all went dark outside as the sirens stopped. Each terrified person held hands, we needed hope. I grabbed Frankie's hand to keep up the chain and a little hand found mine. I looked down and saw it was Lola with the pink hair, she had tears in her eyes.
I nodded at her but my head quipped back to the doors when about a dozen doctors and nurses burst through. There were so many paramedics that I couldn't see anyone I recognised.
"Tiny!" Someone yelled and Lola darted off without hesitation into that direction.
Grace and Jonah were next. Frankie was blubbering with tears when she saw her boyfriend, he was being wheeled in by a doctor because his leg looked in a pretty bad way in his cardboard temporary cast and he had lots of cuts on his arms. He looked rough. Frankie was so filled with emotions she fell to her chair letting go of my hand.
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I watched them hug as if their lives depended on it. My turn next please, I wanted my hug. I happened to see Zoe across the room make a beeline for a distraught looking Grace and went to take her by the hand to a doctor because her arm was in a cardboard cast too. Grace held her one hand up to Zoe as if to ask for a moment and hugged me tightly.