17 - Patient #160910 [BEFORE]

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"I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom." - Edgar Allan Poe

The first thing Hoseok noticed when he awoke was pain. Indescribable pain that choked him. He felt like his whole body was paralyzed by the feeling of knives stabbing his insides. He heard someone screaming andit took him several seconds to realize it was his own voice.

"Hoseok, please calm down!" an unfamiliar voice told him.

Who was that?

Before he knew it, his eyes were open and he was staring at an angel surrounded by bright white light. Then his eyes focused, and he realized that it wasn't an angel, the person was just standing above him and there were fluorescent lights on the ceiling.

The events of the night flashed before his mind. His sister had found a knife in his room. She'd gone crazy and walked out. He'd followed. Then there were headlights...

He jolted upright (he'd been lying down?), nearly hitting the pretty angel/nurse. "Where's Jian?" he gasped. Was she okay? Did she get hurt? Was she dead?

Was it his fault?

"Your sister is fine, Hoseok-ah."

Oh, he meant to say as the nurse gently pushed him back onto the hospital gurney, that's good. He meant to say it, but a weird fuzziness was taking over his head, and made it really hard to think.

"What we need to focus on is your leg. Try to not move, okay? That might make it worse."

His leg? What about his leg?

Hoseok lifted his head up and stopped thinking. He didn't know where he was, he didn't know who he was with. All he knew was his left leg was torn to shreds. Broken skin lay tattered, the whole limb was bent an angle it shouldn't have been, and dried blood covered the bottom half of the gurney.

His legs. The one thing he needed for his one passion in life. The key to achieving his dreams.

Destroyed. And Hoseok knew enough about leg injuries to know that you couldn't come back from that.

But all those thoughts only came to him after he had begun screaming, trying to wake up from this nightmare, and there were people all around him, touching him, trying to make him stop, and something stabbed into his neck and everything else but his thoughts became quiet.

In the darkness of the sedation, Hoseok floated through time. He remembered what had happened. He had been worried about something with Taka. He couldn't remember what it was, though. Had Taka said something that worried him? He must have, if Hoseok had bought a knife, right?

He didn't do anything, a voice in the darkness said.

"What?" Hoseok asked. "What did you say?"

Taka hates you, the voice continued. He's been trying to get rid of you for years now. And why wouldn't he? Look at you, you're pitiful.

Hoseok gasped. He blinked, trying to see the face of the person that was insulting him. How could it say something like that? It didn't know Taka, it didn't know him. "No, he's my best friend!"

Oh my God, the voice groaned directly into Hoseok's ear from behind, making him jump and spin around. Again, he saw no one. You're so fucking blind.

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