30 - Patient #??????

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"I've been tearing around in my fucking nightgown - 24/7 Sylvia Plath, 

Writing in blood on my walls

'Cause the ink in my pen don't work in my notepad

Don't ask if I'm happy,

You know that I'm not, but at best I can say I'm not sad...

'Cause hope is a dangerous thing

For a woman like me to have...

But I have it." -  Lana De Rey

Seokjin had been in his cell when the explosion happened. So had Jeongguk, Taehyung, and Hoseok. Jimin had been walking himself back to the cell block after a good dosing of therapy, he had been allowed to walk through the hallway by himself for a few months. He had just walked through the door when there was a very loud noise and the world shook and he felt like some sort of creature with red-hot teeth was gnawing on his back.

For a second, before he registered the stone blocks hurtling through the air, he thought the ground shaking was caused by an earthquake. He'd experienced an earthquake once before, as a child when he and his family were visiting Seoul on vacation. Being a child, he had been sure that the world was ending. But his father had just wrapped an arm around him, picked him up, and his mother led the family to a shelter where a large group of people was also gathering. And just that told Jimin that the world wasn't really ending.

Of course, in the hospital, his father wasn't there to wrap an arm around him, so maybe the world was really ending.

"Eep!" he squeaked as he was thrown off his feet onto the cold concrete floor when from the corners of his eyes, the cell block exploded into fierce red and orange light behind him. He heard Taehyung yell in alarm from his own area and sluggishly saw as the younger boy ran to the doorway of his cell. He probably thought it was an earthquake too, though they couldn't tell what the flash of light had been, or what the strange sound of shattering was. Jimin suddenly worried about Jeongguk. Seokjin could take care of himself, as he always did, but Jeongguk was sick. He couldn't take care of himself anymore.

Then a huge piece of stone nearly fell on Jimin's head, and he had a feeling this wasn't an earthquake. The lights flickered off, and the world Jimin had come to know was thrown into darkness.

Wait, he thought, the idea coming to his mind like how honey drips off the spoon, he probably had hit his head. There was a bit of orange light over from the direction where the stones - pieces of wall, he realized, seeing the gray paint that the therapy rooms were covered in on them - had come from, the area that Jimin had just been walking from. But it was a strange light. It wasn't like the lights given by the hospital light bulbs, it was something else seeping through the holes in the wall. It was something Jimin had seen before, but he couldn't remember it.

He slowly picked himself off the ground, needing a strange amount of focus to complete the task. He heard padded footsteps running to him in the darkness, and maybe the sound of faint screaming from somewhere that he couldn't seem to place. Hoseok, who had been the first one to get to Jimin, with Taehyung and Seokjin quickly following, and Jimin could make out the reflection in Jeongguk's doe eyes from a distance, reached out a hand to him. Jimin gratefully took it, and the older boy pulled him to his feet.

Hoseok had a blindingly wide grin on his face. "It's sunlight, Jiminie," he whispered breathlessly.

Sunlight? He had seen sunlight before, so that seemed to make sense. But how could there be sunlight here? There was never sunlight here. That was part of what made the place what it was. No sunlight meant there wasn't a way out. If there was sunlight - then there was a way out. The others seem to have come to the same conclusion as he did, because they looked at each other with wide eyes.

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