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things actually heat up here, slightly
—————————————————————-Neville successfully casted a defensive spell against Cho Chang's attack, causing Harry to beam with pride. He was glad Hermione came up with the idea of Dumbledore's Army; it was providing to be both a distraction and source to put his energy into, making him feel like he was actually doing something.

His train of thought wondered off to quidditch, he just couldn't wait for the match. He had had practise before DA, although for Ron it didn't go so great. In fact, if Harry was honest, Ron was suffering from nerves and it was severely affecting his performance. Harry just hoped he got his shit together before the actual match. If they lost, oh god he wouldn't know what to do.

The familiar sound of cheering, the feeling of apprehension and anticipation, welcomed Harry as he mounted his broom, ready. Immediately his focus was to find that glint of gold, whilst keeping an eye on Draco, who seemed just as focussed. He saw Ron in his view, anxiety written all over him.

wait what? Harry heard a rhythm of voices from the stands, not cheering no, but singing? Shaking his head he switched his full focus back to the task on hand, or at least tried, but the singing grew louder and Harry heard "Weasley". He saw Ron, who was red in the face; Harry finally heard what was being sung "Weasley is our king." Confused he looked down, and the voices were coming from the sea of green, the Slytherins! Fuming he looked around for Draco, who must've been behind this. His plan was working, Ron was miserably failing.

Gold. Harry gasped and headed straight towards the snitch he had spotted, Draco close behind. The closer Draco got the angrier Harry felt; he wanted him to pay for such a prank. His heart was beating, so close, and then, he wrapped his fingers around it just as Draco's hand tried to grab it but instead landed on Harry's; and both went tumbling down.

"You absolute fucking git!" Harry spat at Draco once they both stood up, all he saw was red. Forgetting Gryffindor had just won, and that they were in front if the entire school, with teachers around, Harry's fist connected with Draco's face. Not soon after, Fred and George had joined. Harry let out his frustration, which intensified when he saw Ron sulking in the corner. A screeching whistle blew and Madam Hooch sent the boys to McGonagall's office.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Her stern voice demanded, Harry instantly started ranting about Draco and what he had done but was interrupted by a throat clearing. McGonagall pointedly ignored Umbridge's presence and continued to explain what punishments would be delivered but nonetheless Umbridge persisted.

"Banned?!" Harry repeated, disbelieving. "I- You're banning us from Quidditch?!" Umbridge's lips pursed up into a sour smile as she nodded and headed off. Harry's anger was toxic now, etched in every part of his body. He stormed out.

Thud. "Fucking hell watch where you're going you blind-" Harry got cut off mid sentence because he was met with grey eyes, the grey eyes that infuriated him and caused all of this. His vision darkened as he got up.

"Going to punch me again Potter?" Draco sneered, although he was slightly backing up.

Harry stepped closer and closer, raising his fist, but before he could punch Draco, Draco gripped Harry's arm to stop him.

"Let go off me" Harry seethed.

"Make me" Draco bit back.

They held heated eye contact for an extended period of time. Harry's mind was buzzing with irritation, he couldn't identify what Draco was feeling, he didn't understand why he was seeing so much of him lately. His anger didn't melt, but it decreased whilst he stared into Draco's pupils. However, images of Ron's humiliated face paired with Draco's smug face in the match boiled his blood. Harry's fist grabbed Draco's shirt and pulled him as close as he could, and then their lips met in a quick, forceful, hard moment. Harry had no idea what he was doing, he just wanted to let out all this pent up anger and heat, and Draco was just there. Harry moved his hands to Draco's hair, grabbing a fistful whilst pressing himself onto the boy as much as possible. Draco's body reacted, after trying to process what was occurring, he didn't bother to stop it. Instead he met Harry's invitation with just as much heat and force. Their lips and tongues were exploring each other in a hurried fashion, their hands all over each other, their hearts hammering and blood warm. They were like that for what felt like a good few minutes before their lungs demanded a break.

They broke apart, both resembling tomatoes. Harry avoided eye contact, unsure what to do, what the fuck just happened? He looked up and Draco was gone.

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