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"Dude, What is with you?!" Blaise Zabini asked a very distracted Draco; who was battling with himself to do anything but look over at the Gryffindor table. Pansy lightly laughed to herself, Draco shot her a warning glare. What had overcome him? He wondered. He felt embarrassed and confused. That was an encounter he had never had before, that was a level of closeness he shouldn't have shared with anyone, let alone Harry Potter. Harry Potter.

"Exams." Draco bit, "exams. We have O.W.L.s this year for god-sake!"

"And you're worrying?" Blaise scoffed. "You know you're going to pass."

"Yeah, true." Draco smirked. Biting into an apple absentmindedly. He had DADA today. Oh god, he felt like he needed to be as far away from Harry as possible. He couldn't have anything like that occur again. Emotional closeness is dangerous.


Umbridge had instructed them to write a passage from the textbook. The sound of quills scratching on parchment droned on and on. Harry sighed. Hermione had questioned him at breakfast earlier, saying he seemed more off than usual. He could have replied with anything really, but chose to stay silent, not trusting his voice.

He had felt something, something other than plain shock, that night. For some reason he wanted to feel that something again. Because in that moment he locked eyes with Draco Malfoy, his worries and visions left his mind, replaced with heat.

No! This is Draco pukeblood Malfoy you're talking about here! Harry's consciousnesses argued. But that didn't stop Harry's mind from trailing off. Grey eyes. That's what he saw, that's what he felt like he was seeing a lot of lately, grey eyes.

Harry felt strange. He had been feeling off, for a while now. He wasn't even enjoying his favourite class anymore, because of Umbitch.

"Mr. Potter!" A sickening voice boomed, waking Harry up instantly.

"Awake are you?"

Harry tried not to reply but "how can I not be with your damn voice" slipped out. Umbridge reddened with anger whilst the students nearby laughed.

Harry's detentions doubled.


The detention was horrible as usual. Harry rushed out of the classroom and headed to the bathroom, only to bump into someone and fall on top of them. He instantly starting apologising before actually opening his eyes to see it was Draco Malfoy. Of-course, just my luck Harry inwardly sighed. Draco looked back up at Harry, their eyes briefly meeting, before both of them jumped up in disgust.

"Keep your hands off me Potter!" Draco shouted.

"Get out of my way Malfoy" Harry huffed, pushing him out of the way and heading into the bathroom.

He looked up into the mirror and was met with an agitated face. Tired eyes stared back, and all Harry could do was sigh. How were things seeming so sour all of a sudden? He already felt sick of it. Fucking exhausted, mentally and physically. However, the first quidditch match of the season was coming up, and of course it was Gryffindor vs Slytherin. This caused Harry to feel excited and anxious; excited because he could finally play quidditch and put his anxious energy into physical activity, but simultaneously he didn't want anything to go wrong. Clearing his mind, he cleaned up and headed to practice.

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