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Jack's Pov

"Jack..Jack..JACK!" I hear Jonah's voice blast into my ear. I open my eyes seeing his face along with the time. "You were supossed to be up 20 minutes ago. We need to get to rehersal!"

I hop out of my bunk to the bathroon, looking at the paleness of my face. The past few days haven't been the same without Charlotte. I didn't bother texting her nor asking the boys about her.

I never knew girls could take things so personally. I regret everything I did to make her feel so mad at me. I couldn't do anything about it now. If I called her..she probably wouldn't answer. If I asked the boys to let her tour with us..they'll say it's too late now.

I finished getting dressed and making myself look like I wasn't slowly sinking because of Charlotte. Jonah offered me food, but I refused to eat. Love really can hurt you.

The car ride to the venue has been nothing but silence. Every minute or so, I noticed Jonah looking over at me. I didn't mind. If he said something to me, I would most likely spill my thoughts. Jonah was not only a great advice giver, but he's also the person to really calm someone down.

I watch as Jonah turns on the radio. I recognized the first song that started playing. The Lumineers. Charlotte's favorite band..besides Why Don't We of course.

I listened to the lyrics of the song as my emotions got deeper. Jonah sang along to the song as I felt myself getting calmer and calmer. When the song ended, I knew what was coming next-

"Spill your feelings" I hear Jonah's voice calmly say.

I took a breath before I thought avout everything going around my head.

"I never knew people could get so offended by something that others think aren't that important" I began, "I wish Charlotte was still touring with us. I shouldn't have pushed her away all because of a stupid thought that my brain gave to me"

I turn to see as Jonah's face grows a little smirk. "The only advice I have for you..is to tell her how you feel. That's all a girl wants. To hear the three words from the love of their life"

"Charlotte thinks I'm the love of her life?" I whisper to myself. Jonah and I glance at each other with smiles upon our faces.

"Thank you man" I say right before Jonah parks the car. We do a mini bro hug and set our minds to the next thing to think about for the day.


Charlotte's Pov

During the past few days, I have cleared my mind from many things. I helped my mom pack several of our belongings into boxes since we would be moving into a new house near the mall.

As of right now most of the boxes we packed up are in a moving truck ready to be taken to our new house. Abby and I took one last tour of our house before getting into my mom's car. We brought up some good memorizes, laughed a little, and then walked slowly out the door.

As my mom followed the moving truck, I turned on the CD player to the car and heard my favorite song come on..Ophelia by The Lumineers.

I sang along to the calming song when suddenly I get a strange feeling that I'm not the only one who sang this song today in the car. It feels so weird to think about how someone else could have possibly sang the same song you're singing while also in a car..it freaks me out.

The moving truck stops in front of such a beautiful house, much bigger than the old one. I walk inside with Abby and walk around for a little house tour. The one room that caught my eye was all the way on the top floor. It had a big space to put most of my things from the moving truck and a huge closet-like room that reveals my bed and a window leading to the roof.


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During the past few hours, I helped my mom unpack loads of things and put them where she wanted them. The whole house was now organized..all except my room.

I didn't have too much to unpack, all I usually have in my room is my art supplies, posters, books, and stuffed animals. I placed everything as organized as possible and then finally looked into the last box with a bunch of posters.

The Lumineers..dogs..Why Don't We. I stared at that certain poster for a while. Jack came running through my head all over again. I feel really bad that I snapped at him like a child. I knew I could do nothing about it at this point. He's probably upset about my actions and very busy with touring still. I wish there was a way to fix this.

I put my posters up and layed in bed. My thoughts didn't consume my brain as much as before. I put on some calming music that usually makes people sleepy..and it works. I closed my eyes, and before going to sleep I thought of the one thing I needed the most at the moment. Jack Avery.

(A/N - Hey guys! I'm so so sorry this was such a late update! I'm currently so busy with my schedule and don't get much free time anymore. I will definitely still be updating..but don't be surprised if it's not every week. Thanks for understanding!) *sorry for any incorrect spelling*

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