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I woke up to the sound of a car pulling into the drive way. Quickly getting up, I look out my window to see my mom with a young child holding her hand. And then I remembered..

My mom told me about how she is adopting a child since she thinks it would be best for both her and me. I get changed and run downstairs where I see my mom and a little girl.

"Carmen, this is going to be your big sister!" My mom says bending down to Carmen's height. The little girl ran up to me, tugging onto my leg. "Sissy!"

I look up at my mom who hands me a few papers explaining Carmen's likes and dislikes, her birthday, and some medical information. Each word I read brightened my mood even more.

"Why don't you and Carmen go upstairs and get to know each other while I go get some chores done." I listen to my mom, holding Carmen's hand and taking her little suitcase as we walk upstairs to my room.

I took notice at Carmen's appearance. She had thick brown hair, a bit of dirt on her face, and these beautiful green eyes that leave me speechless. I put her suitcase down once we entered room, also letting go of Carmen's hand. She runs to my bed and starts to jump on it as I read the paper my mom gave to me again.

Carmen is a 5 year old girl who loves hugs, stuffed toys, and music. She doesn't enjoy milk nor being unsafe. Seems easy enough.

"Will you take care of me?" Carmen blurts out, still jumping on my bed. I walk over to my bed to pick the girl up. "Of course I will! So will your mom and everyone you meet"

Carmen smiles to my response. I put her down after realizing my phone was going off in my pocket.


I slight chill went down my body as I read the name. Answering the phone, I sat on my bed watching Carmen play with a few stuffed toys I have.


"Hey Charlotte! How are you dude?" Jonah says in a jolly voice.

"I'm doing pretty well. My mom- adopted a little girl into our family."

"Oh really? That's so cool!"

"Yeah. Her name is Carmen."

"I can't wait to meet her soon. The guys and I just finished touring, and we're now doing whatever we want to do while we have time. Most of us are going back to family."

"Are you in Minnesota?"

"No actually. I'm coming down to see you. My family is on a little road trip, so I have some time before returning home"

"Really?! Oh my god I'm so excited! Text me where I can meet you and we can go do something."

"Alright. See you soon."


Once the call ended, I took a look in Carmen's suitcase while waiting for a text from Jonah. All she had for clothes were a few shirts and pants and some pairs of socks. Suddenly, Jonah texted me that we should meet at the mall. I agreed, and decided to take Carmen with me since I wanted to buy her some new clothes.

I pick the calm child up from the ground, grabbing some money as I leave my room to head outside.

"Mom! I'm taking Carmen to the mall with me!" I yell before shutting the door behind me.


"Why are we here?" Carmen asks as I help her out of the car.

"We're gonna buy you some new clothes and meet one of my bestest friends."

"YAYY" the tiny girl yells jumping onto me.

We walk into the store, immediately seeing the tall teenager looking for us.

We stare at each other until Jonah makes the first move, running towards us and giving me a tight hug.

"I missed you so much!" I exclaim.

"I missed you too"

Releasing from the hug, Jonah kneels down to Carmen's height to introduce himself. Carmen seems to like Jonah, since she allowed him to pick her up. I chuckled to myself as we walked around in stores to shop.


"Are you happy with the clothes we bought you Carmen?" Jonah asks in a very calm tone.

"Yes! I'm so happy to be with people who love me!" The girl says walking besides me, causing Jonah and I to spill the word awww out of our mouth.

Jonah and I walk into Starbucks..which reminds me of something..but I don't know what. I rub it off, buying Carmen a cake pop and a coffee for myself. The three of us take a seat near the corner and enjoy what we bought.

I noticed that Jonah was texting someone alot since we entered the place. One again, I rubbed it off and continued sipping my drink while watching Carmen play with a toy we bought her from one of the stores.

"I'm gonna head out." Jonah says, finally putting down his phone.

"Already?" I reply dissappointed.

"I'll come over to your place later."

My face brightens up as soon as those words hit me. I gave him my new address and a long hug before he went off. Picking Carmen up, Jonah whispered something into her ear. She nodded and was set back down into her chair. I started to notice something was going on, but I'm not one to put clues together, so I didn't bother figuring out the rest.

Once Jonah left, Carmen and I stayed inside Starbucks until my drink was empty. I watched as Carmen made her toy dance around the table, which made me laugh.

Carmen and I were two out of five customers in the building. I watched as another customer came in, except when I saw the guy walking in, my heart exploded as if an exciting firework show was going on.


(A/N - two more chapters left. My mind finally clicked and is now set on what the ending is going to be. I'm so happy that so many people enjoy this book! I'm going to do my best to release the last two parts as soon as I can..so stay tuned :D) *sorry for any incorrect spelling*

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