That makes you one of Us now

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Yes. I'm still at the fair and have hours of fun for myself! Fun! Haha so I'm going to try to roll out this chapter as well. Shouldn't be hard I have some ideas going strong in my mind you will love. I'm on a roll and want to throw more work at you! So here you go! Hold on tight!

You clinched your fist hard before you opened your eyes. "Hurry! Get in!" You yelled out as they ran up into the ship. You ran in after them , slamming the door controls as you didn't look back at them. "Get this ship off the ground! No time!"

You rushed in sliding in right after the small Droid was in the ship. You slammed the door closed before looking at the 3. Your eyes darted to each. You could hear the T fighters coming as the ship you where now commandeering was taking off the ground. Grievous has no idea what you are now involved in. Shit. " Ray you with me to the cockpit. You uh guy.. guns! And you little Droid.. hold on." They nodded hell it was enough just to keep up with what was happening. You took off to the cockpit with Ray on your heels. The loud old metal banging under your feet on each step of your stride.

You make it to the cockpit. Grievous was in a seat get the old ship of the ground, he growned with disapproval. "Why do I have a feeling we are the ones getting fired now?" You sat down beside him in the chair beside him buckling up quickly. He looked over to you then he saw Ray behind you. His eyes rolled and he growned. "I couldn't leave them. She saved us.. so I saved her but we need to go now"  you said with a shaking voice. " We need to stay low these ships have a hard time targeting lower targets." Said a voice on the intercom .. Grievous again sounded less and less amused by what was going on.

The T figher closest shot but missed the ship by inches. It was very scary as Grievous whipped the ship around the sand dunes ahead.   "I know this planet like the back of my hand. We need more cover. Let me fly. Please. " Spoke Ray from behind you. Grievous didn't want to let someone else be in control it wasn't his nature. But he just wasn't accustom to this planet at all. He hit a short straight away before he jumped up from the seat. You took the controls while Ray strapped into the seat.

Down a cavern you took the ship. You wasn't the best flyer but you had the force that would help. "Ok I'm in. I will take us down there to that abandoned ship. There is three still on our tail." She found the intercom button as you watched her. She wasn't nervous. She was confident. That was good. "Fin. Once you get a clear shot shoot those ships down."  She said sternly into the speaker. Fin.. ok we have a name to the other person.

Ray pushed the ship into the large old age abandoned star destoyer. You could remember these ships well long ago. You held on and watched as Ray was very good at flying between busted beams and broken pipes of metal. The T fighters where closing in with the maze Ray put the ship through they where still able to follow. Up and over, down and around. Shots where fired but not at you. Fin shot back and he didn't miss. One more down.

You had two left behind and the maze was ending. There was a only a small crack available to escape if you could fit ... sideways. You looked at the crack then to Ray that would bound in determined then back to Grievous who was standing up behind you. He was looking forward till he saw you look at him, he nodded. You knew everyone was on the same page. You nodded back and pulled the force into your mind. "Do it." You said with a very strong voice. Ray gunned it and pulled the ship straight up on it's right side. It banged on the top and bottom of the ship as it pushed it's way through. Bang! Behind the ship with a burst of flames from the T fighters hitting the walls.

You heard a worried beep and squeal com from behind you. You look around your shoulder to see the little round Droid flying through the air as it lost it's grip and was falling. Right before it hit the wall Grievous grabbed it in his right hand. He was dead still not budging as his talon like claws held strong on the metal grate floor. "Beep beep whoa!!" The little Droid swirled and looked at Grievous who now pulled him close to his face. "Ha. Sphere shaped Droid, use some hooks next time or you will not be so lucky."   Grievous spoke to it with his cold voice. He didn't much care for droids even to this day.

Just as fast as you entered the crack, the ship exited the other side. Out of the star destroyer. Ray shot up and out into orbit. It was a big sigh of relief to be off of that planet. To be free once more. You unbuckled from the seat and turned to Grievous. He dropped the Droid with a thud on the grate floor. The Droid made some grumbling beeps before rolling back into the other areas of the ship. Grievous started coughing as you stood up next to him. "Thank you for saving that little guy. I feel he is very important for the future."  You spoke softly and touched his chest piece as you walked around him. You couldn't help but smile at his eyes watching you.

"Thank you... Oh man I'm out of breath.. hold on." The young man named Fin came around the corner as you heard him. You and Grievous turned to look at him. He was leaned over hands on his knees as he was catching his breath. Ray ran over to him. "That was amazing.. I mean truly amazing." She giggled towards him. "Ray it was oh man I can't believe we got them!" He said back to Ray. He was to excited talking to Ray to see you and Grievous walking up behind him. "You are welcome. But now I need to know what we are doing now and why that happened.. long story short, we have seen many things before and this knew First order has something out for this Droid. They just don't know who they just tried to mess with." You spoke with a strong tone to Fin. He turn with eyes big as dinner plates. He jumped back at the sight of Grievous. This made you giggle on the inside. "You... Are... The old general.. that's impossible.." Fin shook out.

"You would be surprised what is possible." Grievous said before turning around back to the cockpit. " Y/n .. we have company." You was confused by what he said but realized quickly what he meant. A large ship had you in a tractor beams pulling in the old ship. "You still have my light saber?"  Grievous reached in his cape and pulled out your beautiful saber. "Of course, I love the way you think."

Weeeeeeee... Haha I'm so so sorry for the delay . I know you miss me and this story. I miss you too and wish I had more time.. as always I hope to have more chapters out soon.

With love The Awesome Opossum

General Grievous X Fem Reader 2 (Darkness Around us #2)Where stories live. Discover now