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  • Dedicated to The Real Egomaniac in my life


I couldn't help but watch as he walked by. Had he purposely walked past me? There are so many other ways he could've gone.. Yet he walked past me. As he walked further and further away he turned his head to the side just a little, as if he knew I was watching him. Before I could look away I saw that beautiful smile of his form as he continued to walk away.

Is it possible he knows I like him? Does he do these things to make me feel all tingly inside? Does he purposely get under my skin? Whenever he's around all I can feel is the butterflies in my stomach. I never really speak around him. I try but the words always get stuck in my throat like I might choke on them if I try to get them out. I never seem able to focus on anything when I see him. My brain turns to mush, and I can't help but stare.

He has such amazing brown eyes. His hair is well just lovable. His smile, oh his smile, it's breathtaking it's beyond compare. I don't why he has these effects on me. He's just another stupid boy. But I do know I would do anything to feel his embrace even for just a moment. To have his body next to mine, him holding me in his arms.

I fear I may be falling for him far too fast. He does nothing yet I still fall. I know he will not be there to catch me if I continue to fall, but I can not stop because I have no breaks. My only choice is to keep falling and pray I don't break too much when I finally land....

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